I learned how to fish from that old job fisherman
Todoroki-san, interesting. Who was that old job fisherman?
The two shokuryōshi from Akiyama Township I was trying to recall earlier are
Yamada Shigeo-san and Yamada Kazuyuki-san Father and son.
山田重雄さん と 山田和幸さん と ・秋山郷 から.
Or maybe 山田重雄氏 is preferred for the father.
A short video from the Discover Tenkara YTC.
“… Shigeo Yamada filmed in the 1970s fishing the snowy slopes below the peak of Mount Naeba. …”
Kazuyuki Yamada is also in some other DT essays & videos. Check the DT website - Tenkara: FULL lowdown.
And both men are, I believe, in the Shimano Fishing Cafe YT video -
#049 テンカラの足跡を訪ねて 大学教授 石垣尚男
Old video of Shigeo-san and interview of Kazuyuki-san.
Yes, I agree with this very much. In fact, yesterday evening I was talking with a friend about this exact topic. People tie flies/kebari for many different reasons. For me, it is an activity separate from (although closely related to) tenkara and is an activity that I enjoy entirely on its own. In a sense, I get two separate activities that are enjoyable on their own, from one overall activity.
はい、私はこれに大いに同意します。 実際、昨日の夜私は友人とこの正確な話題について話していました。 人々はさまざまな理由でハエやケバリを結びます。 私にとって、それはテンカラとは別の(密接に関連しているが)活動であり、私が完全に自分自身で楽しむ活動です。 ある意味では、私は1つの全体的な活動から、自分自身で楽しめる2つの別々の活動を得ます。
Да, я очень согласен с этим. На самом деле, вчера вечером я разговаривал с другом на эту тему. Люди связывают мух / кебари по разным причинам. Для меня это деятельность, отдельная от (хотя и тесно связанная с) тенкара, и деятельность, которой я полностью наслаждаюсь. В некотором смысле, я получаю два отдельных занятия, которые сами по себе приятны, от одного общего занятия.
Thanks David, this is all very interesting - as usual. Thinks to ponder.
Those who I was able to meet directly
Those who are written in the book are Mr. Yamada, Mr. Sonehara etc.
Mr. Yamada, is the owner of “Kajika-so”
There were a lot of people with more knowledge.
There are only a few people written in the book
At that time the fisherman who entered the back of the mountain was a strange and very few
Regular angler was able to do enough fishing by the village
People who I can meet at mountain streams were acquainted with each other
My answer and thought
I think that it is a wonderful person though it is not introduced yet in Japan
Todoroki-san, Thank you. Sounds like several people, not just one mentor.
Found another, I think more fun, interesting review / impression of this book. On the sproutlures blog.
今日は「デンキチ ブック アワード 2014」 において、3指入った本を紹介させていただきましょう(笑)。
Occupation fisherman
Let me introduce a book with three fingers at “Denchichi Book Award 2014” today (laugh).
[ 3指に, 3 Yubi ni, 3 Finger ? What a curious phrase. Whatever it means. ]
Sproutlures - 3 Fingers in Introduction to Occupation fisherman
Oh, and a kebari picture from the book from the tenkarakebari blog. There are a couple more pictures in the blog post.
The rest of the 2016 April blog post is here:
三指 = Meaning・・・The top 3
To be exact
三本指に入る・・・words of praise
I guess we could make a new idiom [ 新諺 (ことわざ) ] from it.
3指テンカラ:竿、ライン、毛鉤 ; 3 fingers tenkara: rod, line, kebari.
Oh, and last evening my internet search also found your blog post 孔雀胴毛鉤 Ⅱ , peacock body kebari. In which Mr. Shigeo Yamada and Kazuyuki Yamada were discussed in the comments.