I hope you do not see my notes as being defensive. I am just sharing an opposing view. I believe there is a difference. I am not discounting the possibility that I may be wrong, but more a sharing about how I fish and my observations.
If you knew me better and knew my fishing style and even the window I fish, then it may become clearer why my approach and perspective may be different than yours. I fish 90% of my tenkara late fall through early spring. My recent Fishing Style post touches on some of these aspects. If you consider my window many common adult insect forms just are not forage.
This is the problem with books, studies, and personal opinion regarding fishing or any topic. With Fishing, how and where we fish is complex and not all that is written or label scientific is 100% truth.
I would say 90% of my fishing including my tenkara journey I lean more on observation than what I read in a book. If you and I were to fish together, I have no doubt I would learn a lot as clearly your style is different than my own. I am more of a hands on learner and believer. Often the devil is in the details and not in the written word or report. What Tom Davis revealed about his footage vs what happened during that outing is a good …case in point.
Regarding the below quote. I like you Karl and like what you contribute to this forum, but having too strong of an opinion on topics or others can be counterproductive to your intent. I know this because I struggle with it myself. I find the more open I am, the more I learn, and the more others may be receptive to what I have to say.
It is good we have different opinions and different paths, and i believe it is good to recognize and embrace this sort of diversity of approach. Sometimes it can cause us to reflect and fortify our personal path and sometimes it can have influence to change our path.