Favorite low canopy rods

Thanks so much for the advice Karl! I’m glad to hear I’m not alone in using the B&A cast regularly, not just as a method of last resort. I agree that another benefit is some added stealth. I used your method of adding a bit of extra line and holding the line-to-tippet knot, as opposed to the fly itself. This worked well and gave me a few extra feet of length I was missing. I was rewarded with a beautiful 18" wild brown trout plucked out of a tight spot! An absolute monster for the small creek I fished (6-8" wild browns are the norm).

Here’s a quick youtube video showing the fish the spot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9Y87F36u1AThe Mizuchi rod really does live up to it’s reputation. I was able to keep good control of this fish under really tight quarters (low overhanding canopy).

All the best,



Congrats, Dustin! Nobody can argue with your results. The Bow & Arrow Cast Strikes Again…Karl

Dragontail FoxFIRE zx280 FIBERGLASS Tenkara Rod - 1st Impressions, Foggy Morning in Rocky Mtn Park

Here is another video of Flicky Flies fishing with the DT FireFox Rod on meadow brook trout:

I think it is impressive how well this soft, full-flexed rod casts a tungsten bead head wooly bugger pattern, which is not something you would expect such a soft rod to handle. You can really see the butt of the rod bend and contribute to the cast, while the hook-sets appear to be very positive and the whole action of the rod is very evenly distributed, with no hinge points at all. Amazing!