Looks like fun Chris. It also looks like you broke down and got the 45 in addition to the 35, correct?
yes and I looooooove the 45. It’s my first rod longer than 3.5m that i have clicked with. Less tip-heavy than the Nissin Sakon 36 or Air Stage 390 I had. Neither of those was particularly tip-heavy, but this is even less-so.
Couple of nice Browns from a quick session. Full report in the Trip Reports section. The trout in this creek are self sustaining.
Caught a small dace this afternoon, and then 3 minutes later I caught this wild brown. First trout on a tenkara rod.
Brown trout Loděnice 20 May 2017.
A narrow stream where I often go.
There’s not yamame so much, it’s very difficult to catch yamame.
Though the place is easy to go by my moped so I like there.
I use the rod "二代目てんから兄弟3.3m) (Tenkara kyodai The second 3.3m), with 3.9m furled tapered line.
Who was it who said chub were seriously underrated? Oh yeah, it was @CM_Stewart.
No trout, but I caught a half-dozen chub yesterday. The biggest was 31 centimeters, or 12 inches.
The smallest was about a third that size.
Despite the size difference, they both took the same caddis fly. The smaller guys were more fun to catch.
those look like fun. I enjoy catching chubs where they will take a fly, don’t care if it’s not a pretty trout!
The photography here is fairly horrendous, but this Shenandoah brookie was too fat not to share. I’ve caught longer fish in the Blue Ridge, but most are much skinnier.
Trying to make the most of the limited time left before closed season here in Australia. This little Rainbow was the smallest (and only) trout I caught. Spat hooks was the theme of the day.
My brother has been up in Minnesota around the area of Preston. He’s been catching some pretty nice fish. He reported a 40 plus fish day on Monday. Using a TRC Sawtooth and a size 12 kebari tied with a secret ingredient dubbing.
And Brookies as well!
There’s some nice fishing there. It’s been a long time; decades actually. I was born and raised in MN.
He lived in MN for over 18 years himself and he used to fish the tributaries of the Root River area quite often especially since he worked for the state environmental agency. He knew exactly where to go. We were both up there in May 2015, which is the first year we decided to try our hand at Tenkara and never looked back. We had a blast. We had been there before but fished with spinning gear and rooster tails.
Reminds me of a story he told me. He was in the southeastern part of the state, in an official capacity, meeting with elders of a Mennonite community. The community was needing some advice from the state concerning the watershed and I believe their farmland. My brother, the fisherman that he is, noticed the spring creeks and asked one of the elders if, in their leisure time, had they ever fished the creeks. He said the elder scoffed and told him there is no “leisure” in their community, especially for something like fishing. If they did have spare time like that it was focused on the community and of course religious studies.
He used to go up to the BWCA every summer, Wood Lake and beyond, and I was fortunate to be able to go there when I was 18. I never caught so many fish. Leeches and slip bobbers were the ticket. Consistently catching 6 lbs smallmouths was like a walk in the park. I loved it up there except for what was called the unofficial Minnesota state bird…the mosquito.
Is the Red-eyed Bass the same as a Rock Bass? If so, our fish are a lot darker and do not show the vertical striations on the flank side. I once heard someone refer to the Rock Bass or Red-eyed Bass as one of the same. Common names can be a bit confusing sometimes.This is a beautiful fish that looks more like our Smallmouth Bass. It is amazing that fish from different areas take on different colorations.The colors on this fish are awesome. Thank you for sharing the picture. This is really cool.
It is amazing the coloration is so different on Brown Trout around the world. I also noticed the spots
are darker, some lighter, some spots are more colorful, and some almost look like brook trout marking on the dorsal surface except in black. This is really cool. Thank you all for the pictures.
No monsters this weekend, but I had a great time catch a slew of 5"-7" wild brookies while seeing zero other anglers.
Totally different fish, and yes they are much closer relation to smallmouth.