Fly tying photos (#flytying #kebari #flypatterns)

OK, these are stupid simple ties.
The Takayama Pheasant Tail, with an Olive Ice dubbing collar; has brought hundreds of trout to the net. It’s usually the first fly that gets fished because it caught the last fish with “that line”.

My 2nd fish on a T-rod (Late Spring 2018) and also my PB Sea Run Cutthroat in freshwater on any type of gear along with several other large fall Sea Runs was fooled by this Beadhead Takayama Orange Dazzleaire Nymph (full disclosure, the original had craft store Guinea Hen hackle, and a slightly oversized craft store magnetic Hematite bead)

but it hasn’t been as consistent as this more recent 2023 2024 addition to my fly box that has not been skunked yet; the Beadhead Olive Ice Jig :smiling_face:


With Tenkara as my introduction to fly fishing I’m excited by such simple flies.

I recently dug up some photos of early flies I tied. Very accessible patters that catch fish. I love these patters.

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