Today on the water

All member have a welcome invite.

Keep posting. I haven’t been fishing as much lately. Sooner or later I’ll post something here.

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I fished this weekend! Haven’t gotten out much this year so far but I managed a couple hours on Saturday. Caught a handful of wild browns…no pictures though. Every time I fish the TUSA Hane, I come away with the impression that it was made to cast a dry/dropper rig. It’s the only rod I’ve fished that doesn’t give me problems casting that set up.

Also, I hesitate to bring this up for fear of starting something contentious…but where do we all stand on “keep 'em wet” around here? I cringe a little every time I see a fish sitting in the grass or on a gravel bar. Or are all those fish being eaten?


Continue posting. I like it. You fish far more than I can. I dig seeing the fruits of your efforts.

I think its fair to bring it up. We could start a separate thread. I am not sure if there has ever been one.

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Your absolutely right, this area is on a high bank that I can’t reach the water and often have to bring the fish to the shore to remove the hook. Thank you for pointing this out.

This is how I typically photograph them.


Hahaha. Don’t worry. Glad to have people excited to be here and excited to be fishing and want to share it with the rest of us!

This is a place where people are welcome to bring up anything. The only request is that people are respectful if you disagree. Discuss the topic, not the person making the statement.

I think this is a great question to ask. I do agree with @gressak though, create a new thread for it.

If possible I try to remove the hook asap, and without lifting the fish from the water. Which is one reason I rarely take pictures of fish I catch.

As for “all those fish being eaten”, that keeps me in the class of “son-in-law of disappointment”.
Mother-in-law is always wanting me to catch her a ‘mess of fish’. Which I never do. Partly because I want someone else or myself to maybe catch them again or their offspring. Plus to catch and keep fish would require me to drag along more stuff to get them home. Fish for eating are caught at the fish section at the supermarket.


Fished for a while in the afternoon, water levels are insane and wading was tough, I caught about 8 fish in 2 hours. Going to try again tomorrow if the storms doesn’t blow me out.
I introduced a western fly fisherman to tenkara and he loved it. Immediately said he was going to go to Tenkara Bum and pick a rod.

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I was fishing today. Spring has just begun, the water level is high. Passed a large stretch of the river, but did not find the fish. Fellow less fortunate, he held a large trout on the hook, but she ran away from him. The first knee of the rod jammed, he tried to fold the rod and broke the second knee. Here is such a fishing! The day was great, the weather was a hint.


wow, very large and nice river , sorry for your friend’s rod .

This is his first tenkara rod. And the first experience with a large trout.

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Fished today, it was tough, lots of wind and lots of fishermen. Caught a few at the first spot and a few at the second spot. All fish released without removal from water.


super windy tough fishing but when the wind died down the fish cooperated.


Blood was mine poked my finger with the hook

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A nice little native Bonneville cutthroat trout I caught below a beaver dam a couple days ago in northern Utah.


Lahotan cutty