Mangetu, thank you for the alternate way to twist the line. I will try it next time. I think that twisting method should also work to twist 4-hairs together.
I have not yet tried to cast the 3-hair line. I missed an opportunity Sunday when the weather was sunny, clear, and not to cold. But now cold and snow have returned. If I like the way the 3-hair line cast. I will make another one and try that twisting method. If I find I would like a little heavier line. I will try to twist 4-hairs together. I should have enough horse hair to make several more lines.
ba moto-dzukuri, 馬素づくり. ba moto tsukuri, 馬素つくり, 馬素作り. All same meaning.
The only point really for including the 2nd video is that he [Yamada Kazuyuki-san, 山田和幸さん] mentioned he makes his horse hair line so that he can remove the bottom end section. Swapping it out for either a shorter or longer end section to change the total length of the line. ライン全長. Perhaps an interesting idea to try.
Thank you for sharing the videos. These are really interesting videos. In the first video Yamada San said that he didn’t use any glues to connect hairs .That is why he can select the length of lines in the second video. He twisted three hairs by using his fingers . That’s the amazing skil and long far away for me.
Mangefu-san, Thank you.
After getting better books about kanji I realized that often digital translation gives me incorrect phonic sounds, and wildly wrong English translations. Since I do not speak Japanese nor understand very much spoken Japanese it is more difficult to get the pronunciation correct. I only read it a little bit, and figure out the rest, as best I can, using digital translation, that often doesn’t work well.
And often if there is a Japanese word I want to use I can find it with digital translation by using its incorrect translation.
It is a problem that digital translation does not include furigana - a Japanese reading aid, consisting of smaller kana, or syllabic characters, printed next to a kanji or other character to indicate its pronunciation.
Plus some way of dealing with - Rendaku, (連濁) - Euphonic change of unvoiced to voiced sounds. Which is probably also contributes to getting 馬素 is (ba-su) wrong.
I appreciate you pointing out when I get the words wrong. Please continue to do so in the future.
The weather warmed up a bit today to 53˚F, but it was also quite windy, 14mph according to the weatherman, but according to the flags, closer to 20mph, (thumb rule, Angle of flag to flag pole ÷ 4 = wind speed in mph) So 90 ÷ 4 = 22.5 mph.
Anyway, my 3-hair horse hair line ended up being about 5m. I think that is too long and will probably cut it back to 4.5m or another .25m shorter. I most often fish with a 4.5m line, sometimes 5m. Less often lines either shorter or longer than those two lengths. by about 1m.
The high wind gust made it difficult to cast except it was ok during the lulls in the wind. I would estimate it felt about like a 2.5号. I cast it for a few minutes using an Oni 1 rod.
Later I decided to add a bit of marker color to the end using a red Zebra Makki Pro marker (ゼブラ 油性マーカー マッキープロ) and the other colors with a Uni Posca marker. (ポズターカラー マーカー). I’ve used them in the past, as an experiment, to color white thread on kebari, and it is very color fast.
I will probably next try making a 4-hair line. I haven’t yet decided if it would be better to twist all 4 together at once. Or twist 2 together then twist two of them together to make one 4-hair line. I will experiment with the first few snoods before deciding which way I like more.
David San It’s a very difficult and hard to read the personal names and names of areas places tools etc .sometimes it’s impossible to read and pronounce those Kangi Words even for a Japanese . You don’t need worry about that!!!
The Gujo Rods Master sent to me a new Horse hair line yesterday. He said he found this at the old fishing shop as a dedstoc goods.This is 4.5m length and made by from 8 hairs to 4 hairs with slowly taperd. The most interesting thing is this line has no joint point in the line at all.That means who made this line he twisted this with putting new hairs to the end of first hairs.You can find a small hairs over the line in a second picture . I still wonder how twist these line together. Does anybody guess or know how??
Thanks @CM_Stewart, very interesting. By the photos that were posted by @mangetu, I wonder if those were likely spliced in; similar to rope making or if it was similar to that method?
No one even knows what Indian-weed is. All the old writings called it Indian-weed or grass, but none used the scientific name so the actual item is unkown. Similarly, the Treatyse on Fishing with an Angle mentions a Dutchess knot to join the sections of hair. No one knows what a Dutchess knot is.
Thank you Chris San .no one knows in now.some one had used in some days. It’s really interesting and much fun to think about . If you will find a new mentions about those,please tell us. Thank you very much. ありがとうございます。
I have just made the Horse hair line .
At first. I twisted three hairs line those were 60 ~70 cm long each. Then twisted again to make a thic lines from 15hairs to 6hairs.
What kind of rod will you use to cast this line? Would a stiff rod [超硬調竿] be needed?
Nicely made line.
I think, a heavy line, but good in high wind. A good length for a 4m rod.
David San you’re perfectly right!! I tried to cast at a ground not at a liver yet with 3.9 m hard rod. This line fry good as l wish!! Heavyweight line seems useful when in a slightly wind. ありがとうございます。
The Gujo rods Master said that you can add a Nylon tippet 1~1,5 m to the end of line when we cast 。