I need to finish fixing the house up so that I can put it on the market by March 2021. This place is way too big for two old people to live in. I also want to make a lot more trips to the mountains in the late spring. Hopefully, I will rent the log cabin near Grayson Highlands again and trout fish for a week. The Grayson Highlands area is an amazing place for hiking, fishing, camping, rock climbing, photography, horseback riding, etc…The past 2 years I could not make the trip during the summer.
I almost forgot, babysitting my two grandsons and taking them out to fish (this is the most important item).
I hope everyone has a great year in 2020.
Great. A lot of grandkid watching here. We also watch a pair two days a week. The older of the 2 turns 6 this spring and I have a tenkara set up ready to go for her. I know a spot with suicidal brookies that will be awesome. They have been a real treat in our lives.