anyone heard of them? it looks like they are in colorado and sell a few japanese rods.
I’ve purchased from them. No issues. Good communication. Quick shipping. They are based in Rochester, NY, not Colorado.
wow – they’re in town here and I’ve never heard of them until stumbling across this post. Very odd.
tom, have you tried the little yamasemi rod? or any of the other’s for that matter?
Of the rods sold currently on that site, here are links to the ones I have used:
I have not seen or used a Sakura Kongo Yamasemi, sorry.
I purchased my gamakatsu 4.0 EX there (and my repair part). Very good service and communication.
I thought it was odd that I had never heard of it either…it was suggested to me in a YouTube video comment when I was discussing my gamakatsu 5.0 and 4.5…mentioning that I was looking for a 4.0. He is an attorney and seems to run the store more as a hobby (my words) and doesn’t advertise.
Interesting. I’m the only one in this area , as far as I know, that fishes fixed line rods most of the time and generally fishes quite a bit (I’m “that guy”). It’s just odd that I wasn’t aware… The address is a few miles away
Good to know!
Thank you for letting us know about this site. I immediately went to the site and was very pleased with the items being sold. I’m surprised that they carry the Sakura line of rods.
Is it a store or a warehouse? It’s really cool that it is so close by your home. If you stop by the location tell us your impressions of the place and if they carry more tenkara equipment than is shown on their website. I really like the Sakura and Gamakatsu Multiflex rods.
It seems to be a completely online presence – google street view/maps/other methods show it is just a residence right on the Irondequoit bay (the estuary of the creek I do most of my fishing on, and the buffer zone to lake ontario)…
So I don’t think there’s much to see (not a storefront or any significant space). Again, usually when somebody who knows anything about tenkara sees me fishing, they strike up a conversation, so I’m surprised I didn’t know about them.
The top of the landing page still has this…
“Gone fishing! Orders placed between now and July 22 will leave the dock on July 23.”
Is he still active?
No idea, sorry