A Translucent Under-Body/ Over-Body Tying Tutorial

Tying flies so that the under-body thread color shows through the wet over-body tying materials can create highly effective fish catching fly patterns. Here is one tying technique that effectively demonstrates this style of tying flies. Wool yarn is another effective tying material for achieving this same kind of tying effects that may be more available to Tenkara fly tiers and require no additional material investments to achieve. Here is a place where the FL-Threads really shine with out being too overly bright. Enjoy…Karl.

I find that fine antron and silk dubbing does this very well. The fly above is tied with orange thread underbody.


Jonathan, thank you so much for posting the photos. They are really great. When I first saw the photo of the wetted fly, I thought I was looking at a live insect! And with the movement the soft hackle will impart to the pattern, I believe it will catch all kinds of fish, if it has not already done so…Karl.

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