Are there different uses or meanings for Wafū 和風. vs Washiki 和式?

I am looking for someone who can explain what the differences are for various Japanese phrases that all translate as - Japanese style. Or if they are any differences in proper usage.

All of these phrases or words translate as Japanese style:
和 (Wa) alone can refer to Japanese style. As in 和竿 (wasao) Japanese pole. But 和 also has many other meanings.

和風 (Wafū)
和式 (Washiki)
日本風 (Nihon-fū)
日本式 (Nihonshiki)
ジャパニーズスタイル (Japanīzusutairu)

But I get the impression that in proper usage they would refer to different things. Such as Japanese style food, behavior, ceremonies, or objects. etc. And perhaps a different use when referring to something that is authentic Japanese made vs something that is imitation of Japanese style, but done by a non-Japanese person.

One website had this explanation, but is it correct?:
式 - refers to things done/made following the Japanese etiquette。。
風 - refers to things done/made similarly to what the Japanese etiquette prescribes。

Google indicated that 式 (shiki) refers to ceremony. Perhaps indicating a Japanese activity, rather than an Japanese object.

I guess good questions to ask are:

  • is tenkara fishing 和風 or 和式 ?
  • is a tenkara pole 「テンカラ竿」 和風 or 和式 ?

Thank you in advance for any enlightenment. :smile:
Apology in advance for anyone not interested in such subtleties of language usage.


David San I just found the almost same question on net. Check and translate these please. I hope these articles will help English is too poor to explain for you.


Mangetu-san, thank you for very much for helping us.


Mangetu, Thank you. The second bottom link was most helpful. :smiley:

Even in English language words that are nouns or adjectives are sometimes used interchangeably. Some words are incorrectly used interchangeably, but with other words it is incorrect to use them interchangeably. And of course sometimes words that are nouns become verbs.

If I understand correctly:
和式 (washiki) is Japanese way of doing something. 式 is for way of doing some activity.
富士式テンカラ , would be to do tenkara Fuji-sensei style.

和風 (wafū) is the way something is made Japanese style. 風 is for way some object is made.
鬼風毛鉤 . would be a kebari made the same way Tenkara no Oni makes his kebari.
Or Shichimi Togarashi , 七味唐辛子, seven spice blend, would be 和風 Japanese style of spice.

Sorry for delayed reply. My brother-in-law, Robert, died early Monday after a long struggle fighting to remain alive. My attention has been focused elsewhere. :cry:


I’ m so sorry.
I pray for Mr. Robert’s soul


Todoroki-san, thank you. Very sad. Robert should have been with us another fifteen or 20 years.
He worked at several different professions during his life. He built a house for his uncle when he was 16 years old, but I had no idea he built 81 homes including a few commercial buildings during the time he had a construction business. Most of us do work that is invisible to most people. His work will be visible for decades into the future. I drive past several of them just driving five miles to the super market.