Backyard Metorology - free on line course

I’ve not yet registered to do this free on line course by John Huth. Particle physicist, Donner Professor of Science at Harvard, and researcher into the ancient methods of navigation.

John writes about the problems caused by people " living in the bubble ", the 2 foot diameter sphere around the heads of people constantly looking at their smart phones. And about the problems in modern education to accept, “guardian knowledge.” Meaning just accepting what the experts say, without learning how nature works from their own observations and experiences. Often the experts are wrong. But you wont know they’re wrong unless you make your own observations.

The online course if free, but for a fee you can also obtain a certificate. But doing the whole course requires a commitment. Estimated 3 ~ 5 hours/week for six weeks. [one of the reasons I may wait a while, as I will be traveling frequently. But I think the course may only be available till Aug. 21st. ]

Or here:

You might also enjoy this May 2019, podcast from Wild Roots, an interview with John Huth about Primitive Navigation. Episode 7 Primitive Navigation: Finding our own way.
About 40 minutes.

[however. I dislike the name primitive navigation. Ancient navigation may be a better name. As often the methods they used are quite advanced. Ancient navigators or trackers used the scientific method to observe nature, form a hypothesis, test it and revise it. As one anthropologist has stated, modern scientific researchers have greater access to global data, but they don’t know any more than ancient people about nature and how it works. People who depended on their correct conclusions about how nature works to survive.

  • John Huth has also asked who is the more primitive navigator? The ancient navigator that could way-find his way to distant locations by his own skill without instruments or the modern person who relies only on the GPS in his smart phone for directions or to know what the day’s weather will be? People who can not tell you why summer is warm and winter is cold. Or know the correct direction of the local wind. Hint - look at the movement of the clouds, at ground level the wind my swirl around buildings or hills and not tell you the correct direction of the wind. ]

Wild Roots Ep 7 Primative Navigation : finding our own way

There are also links at the bottom of the above website to the free Backyard Meteorology course, and John Huth’s blog.

A kind of fun, interactive, global map. :smiley:

Zoom in/out. Rotate the earth.
Click on desired location, to see report of position (latitude and longitude) + wind direction and speed. Observe wind directions worldwide.

Currently an interesting cyclonic storm in the Pacific. West of Baja, ESE of Hawaii.
16.29° N, 130.85° W
Looks intense, wind speed about 52 ~ 70km/hour at the eye.
About 90km/hour at the northern edge.
Which classifies it on Beaufort scale 8 ~ 10, fresh gale to whole gale.
The kind of conditions where you get to see your last meal, again. And chairs fly across the room on a ship. :nauseated_face:

Update: I discovered this storm has a name. Barbara. Second Pacific storm of 2019.
Following hurricane Alvin, that rose and faded last week in the same general area.

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We took my son’s 8” dob this weekend up to 10k feet at camp and watched Jupiter and Saturn. We had people from other camps that had to come see what all the fuss was about. The kids loved it.

Cool, that kind of thing can often be fun. :smiley:

I’ve been busy with other things, demands, lately, I did not make to Pocahontas County last month, So I missed going to Star Quest this year,

The radio observatory is only about 5 miles from our vacation house, (only called “Camp” by the family)
People come from all over bringing their optical telescopes, some backseat sized, sometimes telescopes come on their own trailer. If you’re willing to stay up late, and the sky is clear, they turn off all non essential lights it’s really dark, all of the people who camp out and bring their telescopes - are happy to let you view some stars or galaxies through their telescopes.

Anyway, I did a rush job of completing the Backyard Meteorology course, it was informative, but I only did the free option, the paid option provided access to more of the content, and instead of goofing off here at the house all afternoon, I am supposed to be packing my car and driving to Pocahontas County. If I don’t take to long packing I will still go this evening. So I need to turn to and get to it. Hopefully, the weather, hiking and fishing are good.

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