Black Hills part Deux

I’ll let the pictures tell the story. Click on the picture and it will take you to our Flickr page.


Looks like a fun trip!

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It was a lot of fun. The brook trout were really suicidal. Looking forward to seeing you at Sundance next year. take care.

Awesome that you could go to such beautiful places with your granddaughter. That photo of her with DT in the background reminds me so much of the chase scenes in Close Encounters… with Roy & Jillian trying to make their way there while being pursued by security forces. Has she seen the movie?

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No, she’s only six. She was excited to be climbing rocks and smelling the Ponderosa Pine trees.

Gosh, it has been 28 years or so since I road my motorcycle through the Black Hills, to Devil’s Tower, and on to Yellowstone. Which I did two summers in a row.

I recall on the road to Devil’s Tower catching glimpses of what at first I thought were bleachers. And thinking, what the heck are bleachers doing out here in pastures. [here you need to remember I was riding fast on a curvy road, with the goal to stay on it, thus only quick glances at the structures] Later getting a better look I concluded they must instead be really large snow fence.

Anyway, once you walk round to the leeward side, where the wind is blocked, you get a better feel for just how high the air temperature was, vs feeling much cooler in the breeze.

Looked like a fun family trip.

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