D3 Custom Sutegoro 350 Tenkara rod

Came across this rod the other day while browsing the”I like Tenkara” Facebook page. New rod by D-3 Custom Lures out of Japan. They seem to be known for their lures. Rod is made in Hokkaido, Japan. I had to try it after seeing some of the limited info on the D-3 blog. Rod is a 7:3 and appears to be able to handle some fairly large trout. I found it in stock at Amazon.jp and ordered it. ( still 3 in stock.) Shipping was fast and painless. Rod came in today! First impressions; rod quality is top notch. Cross weave carbon pattern on both bottom sections of the rod. Tip is solid carbon with a nice swivel tip. Rod comes with a rod tube, rod sock, and spare top two section. The spare section has its own spot in the sock. Really a great kit for the price. I could only extend rod and give it a little wiggle at the house tonight so no real test yet. Rod feels like a 7:3. I love the grip and wood insert. Can’t wait to give the rod a workout and try some different lines on it. More to come!


links plzzzz, that thing looks awesome. I will add it to my wishlist to track lol.


Not much out there when I was researching the rod. The blog link was about the only info I found. D3 has not added to their webpage last time I looked.

Doing a google search with either of the following phrases will turn up several hits.

ステゴロテンカラ竿 350・より北海道
Sutegoro Tenkara pole 350 ・from Hokkaido

or just ステゴロテンカラ竿 350 , alone.

The full name of the D-3 Custom Lures company appears to be:
ファーラップ D3カスタムルアーズ, Phar Lap D3 Custom Lures or at least some people seem to use the names D3 Custom or Phar Lap interchangeably
You might try adding one or both names to Sutegoro Tenkara 350 as a search phrase. Or just substitute Sutegoro for ステゴロ.

Here are a few of the results I found.

D-3 Store Room
Scroll down to July 27th post. That date appears to be when this rod was released:



Fishing center Tomakomai shop

Scroll down to 7~8月・8月 (July ~ Aug ・Aug)

July 27th Entry, 7月27日 ·. 北海道のD-3さんからかっこいいテンカラロッドが登場!
July 27 · A cool Tenkara rod appeared from D - 3 in Hokkaido!

From the above website:
8/9 rainbow trout of 51 cm which went up in the east.
Rod Sutegoro Tenkara 350
FLY Tarantula # 6
Line shooting line 037. (5.5 m cut)

This search phrase -
Cool SUTEGORO and Phar Lap
Will find several hits on various imaging websites, However, many of the hits will be for other things with the Sutegoro tag.

Difficult to figure out what Sutegoro means. Written in one Japanese text it translated as - Affordable. In a different text it translated as - Hand Around. But there are many other possibilities.

Not surprised to read it is a big fish rod after seeming some earlier blog post and videos of Dr. Ishigaki fishing in Hokkaido.

If not yet much on the internet maybe there will be more in the future.

Odd that on the D3 Custom website I can not find anything about this rod, only their Blakiston rods. Not in their product list nor in their Field Report (field voice) or Column section. Maybe they are just slow to spend the time and money to update the website.


Some interesting leather products and wild looking lures.

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sute-goro = 素手- 喧嘩 ・・・・・Secret language

Literal translation・・・Fighting with no weapons

Meaning is
・・・clean [fair] fight [match, contest, game, etc.]
・・・That each other fight fair

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Wow! Thanks for the research Dwalker and todoroki34. I am excited to try the rod. Love the name translation. That’s one of my favorite things about fixed line fishing, the fair fight. I always feel like it is the ultimate me against the fish battle in fishing. I bought the rod since I routinely press the boundaries with larger fish on Tenkara and it appears to handle good fish. I would get some good time on the water this weekend. Thanks again for the extra research.

:smile: Fun stuff. It is why I find languages interesting.
I suspected the Sute part might have the meaning of Discarded, as in Sutebari or Sute Kebari, Discarded Fly. [ 捨て針釣法 ・捨てハリ・捨て毛鉤 ]

Not a big jump to find Sutegoro is - Discarded Weapon Fight.
Getting the deeper meaning of - a clean fair fight, contest, is a bigger jump. To a deeper meaning.

A bit like the word - Oyakodon (or Oyakodonburi) 親子丼.
Which in literal translation is - Parent Child Rice Bowl. [Scary movie idea :open_mouth:]
But the real meaning is - Chicken and Egg Rice Bowl. :wink:

Click to see one way of making it at home:


No worries Jeff. I find it fun stuff to do.

Looking forward to reading your impressions of the D3 Custom Sutegoro 350 rod with Big Fish.
I don’t catch them very often, maybe 3 years since catching a wild brown trout longer than my forearm. And last fall catching a stocked rainbow that was bigger than my tamo could hold. Caught it twice actually about 60 minutes apart. Then someone else caught it and, well, they invited it to dinner.

Sorry for the late update on this rod. Been a busy Holiday season! I have not caught a large fish on it, but can tell you the rod has backbone. I started catching stocker Trout (10-13inch) one day on 5x using the .4g Daiwa Vega spoons. The fish were no match for the rod and I admittedly was horsing them in. That was until I began bending the barbless lite wire hooks on the spoons! Switched to 6x, played fish out , and had no other bent hooks. Rod protected 6x well with no break offs. I have confidence the rod will handle larger fish well. I also think this can be a good nymphing rod with the backbone. All in all it’s a unique rod and a nice package deal with the rod tube and extra tip.

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Thanks for the information, a big help.