Fly Patterns...where to draw the line

“Hatigasira-kebari” is the “Kebari” pattern that appeared in Japan’s earliest fishing book (1834)

It is interesting to feel this is similar to “red tag”


This week a young man from Idaho visits my home
I’m looking forward to fishing with him

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Oh, look at that!

I always enjoy your participation here.


Thanks for the info and images. Pretty cool.

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To get back on topic… Adam and Todoroki san, what is you take on Nick’s post where he links that article about 6 flies and how less than 2 percent of the time the trout would respond to something else.

When you fish do you fish a variety or would you say the article is accurate to your findings. If you disagree with the article can you include the reasons?

In general…I have two flies i lean on and usually the fish will take one or the other. If those dont work i have four others that i may rotate in.

For the first two i have exhaustive weight variations.

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Our articles are similar…

I wrote it a long time ago, prior to tenkara and now that I have been fishing tenkara for some time, I only need one fly.

But that got boring.

And I wrote about the “wrong kebari” and that is the basis of my fishing with my background.

The fly is secondary to knowing where the fish are and being able to deliver the fly.

I could get by with less than 5 but I don’t want to and I know better than to care.

I’m a minimalist in all that I do, hiking, packrafting, my craft.

Answering your question? I wrote a couple of articles about how I do it before your suggested article.

Know how to cast, know where the fish are, fewer flys prevent overthinking fly choices.

Fish tenkara your way.

Thanks for the explanation.

I think that is the challenge in some of those older threads and blog entries. Its hard to know how the past Adam Trahan and differs from the present. I did read the articles and that is why some of your comments seemed sort of contrary. Also, just to correct a bit that you may have misinterpreted from my statement. when I asked “do materials matter?”, It was not so much do they matter in keeping recipe for a fly form true… but rather…if the body of the same form was made of electrical tape or fine silk thread…it would not make a bit of difference to the trout…only the angler. So much of of the flyfishing market is just saturated with stuff and concepts that have little real value when it comes to converting fish. Just think about the insane number of specialty fly lines their are out there…and they make you think you really need to buy them all. As a novice tier…I bought a lot of stuff I dont need.

Its easy for me to forget when reading your entries that you are probably changing in a similar way that I am. We are growing and adjusting our perspective and interests. Much like my own writing or being. Six years ago, if someone were to ask me if I would ever return to fishing freshwater after fishing the surf for over a decade…I would have laughed and probably scoffed at the idea…yet the fishery in the salt started to decline…I discovered tenkara…and now here I am.

I am not good enough to have complete success on one fly or even a handful. I get skunked on occasion and sometimes can only fool one or two fish. I am ok with that. This thread has a lot to do with stuff I am trying to figure out on my journey. Thanks for our input, it always is helpful to hear what others have to say and it does shed some light on some aspects I havent considered.

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”Fly&Kebari”Patterns…where to draw the line
・・・Another problem comes out IoI


My path is my own but well documented.

I always say, “If you want to know what someone is going to do in the future, look at their past.”

That quote serves me well.

It makes no difference what people think of me or what I do, it’s none of my business. My business is sharing, writing about what I enjoy and having fun creating adventures.

To that I believe I am consistently reaching my goal.

Have fun fishing tenkara your way.

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Todoroki san,
It takes a lot of effort to get a good translation.
It’s a nice link you made. Thank you for your hard work…

Seeing a fisherman’s favorite fly is like seeing the angler’s soul and inner thoughts. This kind of private gift is special, thank you.

I should refer to that Page in this 2019 fishing season.

それはあなたが作った素敵なリンクです。 あなたのハードワークをありがとう。.

漁師の好みのはえを見ることは釣り人の精神および内部の思考を見ることのようである。 この種のプライベートギフトは特別です、ありがとう。



Thank you for your kind comments.
Please enjoy your fishing