Goodbye, and thank you!


Thank you Tom and good luck on your next adventure.

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Tom, thank you very much for your articles, good luck with your work and a speedy return.

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Thank you for all the information you have provided through your excellent blog. I wish you and your wife all the very Best in your new journey.

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Goodbye Tom. Your blog has been a huge help to me as a novice Tenkara angler describing the attributes to look for in rods. I have neither the discretionary income, nor (especially) the patience to make uninformed purchase decisions. I’ve taken a screen shot of your chart, but I sure hope the blog content is archived somewhere! Thanks!

Many Blessings to you and your wife during your service!

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Thank you for the music…

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No say it ain’t so! Selfishly I wait everyday to see what new you have Blogged about. Altruistically I’m really happy for you and your wife’s incredible chance to help.
Please take care of yourself and don’t be a stranger.
Thanks just seem like enough for all you’ve provided.

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Tom, you will be missed for the next 18 months but the new journey sounds great. I am so happy that you feel called to serve and help others. I hope all will go well with you and your wife during this mission trip.If possible, let us know how you are doing. Take care, my friend.

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Thanks for all you’ve done for and contributed to the tenkara community. You’ve been an invaluable resource to many of us. Thank you @tvdavisid. Best of luck in your new adventure.

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Still crying

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Dr. Tom, I do hope you & your wife’s sojourn to Guatemala will find the positive rewards you seek, and not find any of the negative things that you may fear possible.

I have enjoyed, learned from, and profited from your blog post, and I do hope that when you return home the additions to the blog will change from “may be added to” to “will be added to”. [otoh, if I can believe what I read in the news (which is a very big IF), when you return home - you may find many of your new friends already here as some news reports state some Guatemalan villages are 90% depopulated they are on their way here]

This is the second unexpected event I have encountered this month.

The other being that Doug Simpson ceased building Feathercraft kayaks two years ago. Stating that - all things have a beginning and an end.

Quite a shock to discover as Feathercraft kayaks were perhaps the most innovative high performance folding kayaks being made. And I own two Feathercraft kayaks. A Khatsalano S and an Airline Java. Folbot also shutdown about the same time, but I do not own any Folbot kayaks.

Anyway, buena suerte y adiĂłs.

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I’m so thankful the site is up, no matter how many times I read through the blog I mine another gem.