Google & Facebook login

Hi all,

My apologies to anyone who had previously used their Google or Facebook accounts to login to 10 Colors Tenkara.

I am currently in the process of updating the Google login authorization. Unfortunately, it has changed since I originally set it up and I need to get new authorization to use it. This may take several weeks. However, you should be able to still login via email, per normal.

For anyone who had previously used Facebook to login, my apologies, but that will no longer be available. Facebook is requesting additional information from me that I am not comfortable disclosing to them. Please email me and we can figure out a new way for you to login.

Thank you for your understanding.

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Much to my surprise, Google has approved the login authorization. So, it theoretically should be working again.

can confirm, logged in with google just now!

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Thanks @RedMapleOutdoors for confirming. I tested it with my own account but was hoping it would work with others!

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