I designed some fly fishing accessories - available now

I recently finished developing a neat little product that turns an Altoids tin into a fly box. I’m selling these on Etsy if anyone is interested in getting one.


I also finished version 2 of the Fly Patch I had mentioned on here a few months ago. Thanks again to the forum users who helped me beta test this.

Also available on my Etsy store.

I 3D print everything myself:

Check out my store at TeaAndTrout.com (currently just redirects to my Etsy store)


I’m especially interested in getting the fly box into the hands of fellow forum users. I feel like this crowd has good insights about gear. Feedback welcome!

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These look awesome, good work!

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Just placed my order for the insert.


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Very cool. I have a couple Altoids tins sitting around and I like to give flies I tie as gifts. This will make a cool vessel. Just ordered three :slight_smile:

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Freakin awesome!!!

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I just knew you would come up with some great things. Awesome.

Thanks so much for your encouragement Mike. Developing this has been quite the process!

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How much does one cost? Thanks ahead of time for your help.

I’m selling the Altoids tin insert s for $8.

Since you helped me with beta testing I’d be happy to come up with a discount. Send me a DM if you’re interested.

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Let me know if the money was sent via PayPal. I had to change some stuff so that hopefully Paypal would work correctly with the security system set up on my computer.
If you don’t see anything please let me know. I sent $30.00 for 2 altoid inserts.Keep the rest for experimenting & designing.
Take care,
Mike Shelton

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Thats very generous of you Mike. I’ll get that shipped out!

Little update for you all

The Etsy store is doing well. It’s made a little money; enough buy a wholesale order of raw materials, and to cover the fee for incorporating an LLC.

Forum users were my first few customers, and this was a big help. These first sales legitimized my storefront, and those first few reviews also made a difference.

Also, thank you to those who took it upon themselves to spread the word. When you share links, it helps others discover my inventions far more effectively than if I were advertising.

One thing I did not anticipate is how I would feel reading feedback from users. I’ve deeply enjoyed hearing how my inventions are improving lives. People write about how excited they are for a friend to open a gift, others talking about how a special day with a loved one was made just a little more special.

I feel it goes without saying that I’ve been pushing little upgrades into the product. Mostly in quality and consistency. I’m really happy with how my latest batch has turned out.

I have a few more products that I’m working on. I’m hoping to have them ready in time for the spring fishing season. I’ll share more details over the coming weeks.


Made a little update to the Fly Clip. Improved the design, added more colors, and updated the pictures.


As of now, nobody has actually bought this item on Etsy. I’m thinking the old pictures were part of the problem?