I recently finished developing a neat little product that turns an Altoids tin into a fly box. I’m selling these on Etsy if anyone is interested in getting one.
I’m especially interested in getting the fly box into the hands of fellow forum users. I feel like this crowd has good insights about gear. Feedback welcome!
Let me know if the money was sent via PayPal. I had to change some stuff so that hopefully Paypal would work correctly with the security system set up on my computer.
If you don’t see anything please let me know. I sent $30.00 for 2 altoid inserts.Keep the rest for experimenting & designing.
Take care,
Mike Shelton
The Etsy store is doing well. It’s made a little money; enough buy a wholesale order of raw materials, and to cover the fee for incorporating an LLC.
Forum users were my first few customers, and this was a big help. These first sales legitimized my storefront, and those first few reviews also made a difference.
Also, thank you to those who took it upon themselves to spread the word. When you share links, it helps others discover my inventions far more effectively than if I were advertising.
One thing I did not anticipate is how I would feel reading feedback from users. I’ve deeply enjoyed hearing how my inventions are improving lives. People write about how excited they are for a friend to open a gift, others talking about how a special day with a loved one was made just a little more special.
I feel it goes without saying that I’ve been pushing little upgrades into the product. Mostly in quality and consistency. I’m really happy with how my latest batch has turned out.
I have a few more products that I’m working on. I’m hoping to have them ready in time for the spring fishing season. I’ll share more details over the coming weeks.