It could be love

Third day fishing the Angelo and Company Wasabi 360.

I must say this rod stands out far and above all other tenkara rods I’ve fished. Previously I held my Oni Itoshiro and 1 top of the class, in a league of its own, I truly think Angelo and company tenkara rods should hold a seat at the table with other master rods. I really hope others will bite the bullet and buy a wasabi and see what a spectacular product it is.


Well, it is always more than an almost-rod, when you actually catch fish with it too.

What lines have you tried with it, and what seems to work best?

I’ve only used the Fujino soft taper line at the 360 length. The rod casts amazingly, very accurate. Last night there was a fairly stiff wind and the loops were tight and precise, even casting into the wind. The rod is extremely sensitive, I feel every little bump. A take sends a mild shockwave up my arm.

The largest fish was a solid 18” rainbow, and the rod did not seem out gunned. This just may be my go to rod.

Tyson, where did you order your rod from? It looks amazing. Thanks for sharing.

Beauty! Wish I could justify another rod, ha!

I sent Angelo and Company an e-mail, they responded quickly, sent an invoice via PayPal and 4 days later I had a rod at my house in California.


Thank you Tyson for getting back to me.

No problem let me know if you want any more pictures, descriptions, anything…