Many rods for sale

I am selling several more rods. I have a video describing them coming out on my YT channel (Tenkara on the trail) but here is a preview.

Rod - Retail - Sale price

Tanuki Barebones 360 Nymphing Pro - $375 - $250

Tanuki 375 - $275 - $185

Tanuki Shinobi 395 LE Carbon grip - $450 - $310

TAO Bad Axe - $135 - $100

ESZ Rivermaster Z2 13’ - $169 - $120

ESZ Whitewater 10’/12’ - $209 - $150

Suntech Kurenai HM30R - discontinued - $110

Suntech Kurenai HM39R - discontinued - $125

Suntech Fine Power NP66 Keiryu rod - discontinued - $200


Both kurenai are sold.
Finepower is sold
Shinobi is sold
Bad Axe is sold

Hi Kris,
How 'bout them dawgs? I am new to this website and wanting to make a post(I don’t see an option for that) about asking for help in how to find replacement parts for a Nissin Zerosum 360 6:4. I broke section 4 from the top. I bought on ebay so any help would be great. I tried to look on PLAT already, and couldn’t find much. Thanks and see ya in the CFP Playoffs!

Contact Keichii at Tenkara-Ya. He can track down the needed parts.


Thank you so much!