My Tenkara journey: 2020

2020 was really rolling along. Mary and I had trips planned to Iceland, Italy, the Oni School in Utah plus our regular Western States trip. We ended up settling for two 1 week trips to the Black Hills with our granddaughter and hiking and fishing more locally. Thanks to friends I was able to get out a lot but the greatest joy came from watching that little 6 year old turn into a trout fishing maniac. She landed a chub, a brown and a 13" stocker rainbow. She insisted on unhooking and releasing most of the fish I caught when she was along. At one point while unhooking a rainbow Alison said: “This is a slippery bastard Papa”. Her mother wasn’t impressed. Thanks to all the people who helped make this year tolerable. Below is a link to my pictoral history of 2020.
[My Tenkara Journey in 2020 | Flickr]


David, the perfect saying is “from the mouths of children.” I know you were laughing inside and so was I.
Merry Christmas. >))))))*>


I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes, and then my wife asked what was so funny.

Lol, I hope my 5 year old continues to like fishing and turn into a little Alison. She seems like a character. Cherish the moments!

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Calling Alison a character is an understatement. LOL. My wife, who is a retired teacher, is homeschooling Alison this year so we get to see a lot of her. We are luckier than most grandparents were in 2020.


If you get out this way this year, let’s go fishing. Now that I’m retired I’m always free.



We’re hoping to get that far this summer, Covid willing. I’ll keep you posted. Welcome to to the ranks of the voluntarily unemployed. Best job I ever had.


I second that motion. Retirement is awesome.


Enjoy your retirement Tom but you may find that you are that busy you wonder how you found time to go to work! :grinning:

No wonder Alison has taken to Tenkara she had instruction from the Pro!


What, you mean it wasn’t Papa? :smiley:

The Pro may ‘know’ but Papa knows best :thinking:

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