New Shimano rod kit

This evening I found a brief video that was posted about 10 days ago on YouTube by Shimano. It is for their new Tenkara BB Kit and features Ishigaki-sensei. It includes a new 3.3m rod and line spool. Watching Ishigaki-sensei cast the rod, it seems like a very full flex rod.

One interesting thing I noticed is that in two of the videos he must be using a prototype, because it had an EVA foam handle whilst the others have cork.

Here’s the rod on the Shimano website.

Edit: After taking a look at the Shimano website, I see that there are actually multiple videos.

Does anyone know what knot it is that he tied in the second to last video? I’ve never seen that before.


I think it is the same knot he has always used, it just looks a little different seeing him tie it, from just looking at a drawing of how he ties his tenkara knots. And he uses the same knot to tie LL to rod lillian, LL to tippet (aka harisu) and tippet to hook eye.

From the video caption:
It is easy to understand · I will explain with a thick hook and line.

I took a piece of line and tied it following the video and following the knot drawing. Then kind of opening the knot before tightening it, the two look the same to me.

On the following website - Scroll down about half way to the テンカラの結び方, tenkara knotting method diagram. Just above the drawing is this statement.
Like the illustration below
Lilian and Line, Line and Harris, Harris and kebari
Because the knot is the same
If you get used to it, you can easily change the trick (shikake).

Kawa-asobi, 川遊び, River Play.

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Ya know, I think when you see a familiar knot tied in a new way it is almost unrecognizable as being the same knot.

Take the Duncan (Uni ) knot for example.

Most of the time we see it tied more like this:

It is an unusual knot that pretty much turns itself inside out as it is tightened.

But take a look at this knot tied with large line by a Fujino Line representative at a fishing show, starting at about 1:30 mark in the video. I’ve tied this knot several times, but with more wraps, with smaller line, and I am convinced it is the Ducan/ Uni knot. Just a unique way of tying it. ( of course I do not add the second securing double overhand knot he adds later, probably for some purpose I do not understand.)

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Yesterday, March 9th, Dr Ishigaki made an interesting blog post about the Fujino Tenkara Straight Line [フジノ・テンカラストレートライン] is included with the BB Shimano kit.

It is an improved 3d generation of the Fujino tenkara straight line.
If that was noted on the Shimano website I did not notice it.

The 3d generation tenkara straight line has been made a little thicker and little heavier than the second generation line - to cast better in wind. But still retains zero coil memory.

[in the google translation you may see the words for coil or curl memory translated as “gull wound” or “winding gouge”.

It is available in 3 lengths; 3.3m, 3.6m & 4m. But since it is supplied with a 30cm braided marker line the lengths as delivered is a little longer.

The original thinking for the choice of 30cm length of the marker line was to make the line easier for beginners to cast. The idea being that that length would absorb just enough water weight to the end of the line to make the line easier for beginners to cast. (if I ever read this before I have forgotten about reading it).

For more experienced casters who may be concerned about reducing otsuri ( オツリが) he recommends shortening the length of the marker section.

He now thinks this 3d generation line is not just for beginners, but due to the improvements of the line that more experienced people will also like the new line. :grinning:

I’ve been watching Dr Ishigaki’s New Tactics DVD, which features two tenkara anglers. Saigō Kazumi [西郷和巳, aka Ajari, アジャリ] and Takahashi Shin [高橋伸] and one of the two lines he uses is the Fujino tenkara straight line.

You might also fine it interesting that both tenkara anglers use markers on their lines, use lines of 4m ~ 5.5m, and both used Shimano mainstream NP 4.4 m rods in the video as their 今回の仕掛け, this time’s gimmick (shikake). After those similar choices they diverge quite a bit. Different kebari choices, fishing different types of streams, and targeting different species. Takahashi Shin catches mostly natives species. Saigō Kazumi catches mostly rainbow trout.

Anyway, I am pleased I found this blog post. I have been toying around with ordering the Fujino straight line, now I will want to verify it is this 3d generation line before ordering it. :thinking:

(actually it would be ordering a replacement Fujino straight line, I ordered one last summer, liked it well enough, but it has become misplaced. You know how it goes. Misplace something, look everywhere for it. But it wont be found until after a replacement is ordered. Then you see it the next day setting in plain sight or find it below the car seat) :roll_eyes:

The blog post also covers フジノからAQナイロンのテンカラハリスを [ Tenkara AQ nylon harisu (aka tippet) from Fujino] But I have read about it before somewhere.

ストレートライン・パワフル 発売開始
Straight line ・powerful release
Ishigaki blog - Line 2018-3-9

Also I find the line spool in the BB kit an interesting design too. But haven’t thus far found it sold separately anywhere.


That knot i think is the same that daniel on the tenkara usa site uses. He has footage and was a knot that i started with but didnt care for. Ties it slightly different in his videos i think. Since then i have tried a couple knots and settle on the davy.

I fish the 4m straight line on my suntech gm 53. Not sure what generation it is but i really like it especially in wind… which on bigger rivers more often than not you have good wind. I have been considering getting shorter lengths…but at this point i have so many lines its hard to justify.

I will say that on a 5m rod this is an awesome line. The marker section seems to be a furled flourocarbon banded in light green and brown. The bands are about an inch or so wide and the marker is about 6" long.

If that line is beginner line. I am definitely a beginner because i do like it and it casts nicely.

@dwalker I should have known that you’d have a reply (or three) to this. :grin: When I initially posted it, I was at a friend’s house and didn’t have time to do more translation of it. Although, I did understand a few words in the video where he demonstrated the knots. I understood he was talking about the level line and harisu (tippet).

I think both of you are correct David and @Gressak, it is the same knot he usually uses and that Daniel G. demonstrates; it just looked different at first glance.

For some reason I’ve never had much interest in other lines besides level line and I don’t have an explanation why. If it’s windy, I just use a #4 LL. For a brief moment I considered a Fujino white straight line, but never ended up getting it.

The video seems interesting David. I certainly like the Discover Tenkara videos that feature both of those guys. I just wish I understood Japanese better, then I’d consider getting it. A lot of the educational material in there seems like it would be lost on me.

Interesting that you wrote you like the tenkara straight line in wind.
Chris no longer has the Fujino tenkara straight line on the Tenkarabum website. As I recall his opinion was that it was not a good a line for beginners, to light and difficult to cast, but more experienced casters might like it . And better performance in wind is supposed to be the goal for the new tenkara straight powerful line. I could cast it just fine, but it wasn’t my first choice on really windy days.

The key to identifying the new 3d generation line from the previous versions is 1) the packaging is now a reddish brown color. The older line had green packaging. 2) the new line has the word “powerful” [パワフル , pawafuru] in large font on the front.
So the new name is “tenkara straight line powerful” [テンカラ ・ストレートライン・パワフル]

On the Fujino Line website they write that the new line is 1 rank thicker in size than straight line, ストレートラインより1ランク太いサイズを. I don’t know if that means 1号 larger or something else.

Fujino Line Tenkara Straight Line Powerful

From Christophe’s review of the straight line two years ago. They have also changed the lengths available. The old line was available in lengths of : 3.50m, 4.0m, and 5 meters + 30 centimeters braided marker section.

I doubt if the guys at DT will change their opinion of the straight line’s pros and cons on their web-page summarizing tenkara lines.

Wherein they also wrote, “However, it does not cope too well with wind and coil memory need not be a problem with other lines anyway.”

As is always the case. Opinions vary, or ymmv. (your mileage may vary)

Yeah…Interesting… the DT notes…

I find the line easy to cast and I definitely win no awards for my technique.

It could also be the rod I am pairing it with and that I am not long lining it. a 4m line on a 53 rod…the fly is at the end of the rod.

That marker section will hold water making it tip heavy on cast and I feel acts as a better anchor in the wind than LL. Even without water that tip section seems heavier than the mainline. Because the mainline is pvc coated and smooth it is a little more wind resistant and compact compared to a furled leader.

I can see using a #4 LL for the same purpose. I don’t own any…and as noted in my other thread, I am just beginning to regularly tinker with LL.

In general I am puzzled by even the idea of beginner lines. To me most lines are pretty easy to cast. Even my 8 year old daughter can belt out a decent cast.

Long lining is a whole other thing. The flaws or the pairing lines with the rod and casting preferences might be much more critical. I started with longer lines and I have progressively gotten shorter. I feel like I have more control and prefer a longer rod over a longer line. If you have enough clearance to cast a longer line…typically you have enough clearance for a longer rod.

I may be a dolt, but I have not noticed an incredible up tick in my fish counts since migrating to LL. Fish counts are roughly the same. My drifts are technically better and casts are lighter but I am not sure if the fish really care as much as people think. I believe put a “heavy” line in the hands of a decent angler and they will make it work.

Interesting. I’m the exact opposite.

I finally got round to watching all of those videos.

One thing I noticed in Part 2 master casting video is that he emphasized removing his index finger from the rod at the end of the forward cast. I had not noticed that before. However, I know he and others have emphasized keeping a light grip, so the tip motion will dampen out more quickly.

And another fun casting name. For what to avoid doing. 『ワイパーキャスティング』Wiper casting. Now joins back cast [バックキャスト] & forward cast [フォウードキャスト].

I can also help you a little on Part 3
魚の付き場を探そう, let’s find/search for the fish place/location.
毛鉤を打ち込むポイント, (kebari o uchikomu pointo) point to implant the kebari.
流れ込み (nagarekomi ) in flow
瀬 (se)shallows
ト口 (to kuchi) mouth.
[maybe not how the words are spoken, just how google shows the phonics ]

And Part 4
3秒・間、3回 , 3 seconds-between, 3 times. [3-Byōkan, 3-kai]
You might even begin to hear, Ikkai, ni-kai, san-kai. 1 time, 2 times, 3 times. You will often hear the same phrase when people are counting thread wraps when tying kebari.
基本流すの, basics of shedding (flowing, drifting)
ヒットを呼ぶ毛鉤の流し方, how to sink the kebari to call (invite?) a hit.
Though more often I think I see it written as [ヒットを呼ぶ毛鉤の沈し方]

The longer the line the more drag you impose. It is both presentation angle and the weight/surface area of the line itself. The closer to 90 degrees…the more drag free your drift will be.

Yes going to light line will help but consider your line is 1.5 times longer than your rod. That means 1.5 the weight and 1.5 times the surface area in the wind…the further from 90 degrees your drift is the more affect gravity will have on your line.

If I fish a line that is 1.5 times heavier but the length of the rod and presenting closer to 90 I am probably still imposing less drag than you are with your lighter longer line.

You could use lead line at a 90 degree presentation and have a drag free drift if you properly track your fly.

I also like it short, because I feel I can land fish quicker. Hand lining is fine, but it always takes longer and puts more stress on the fish.

Last evening looking at the Fujino Line website I see the original Straight Line is still listed.

Apparently the new Straight Line Powerful has not replaced the original straight line.
It’s just an additional version. Maybe that also accounts for why the new powerful line wasn’t made to duplicate the lengths of the original straight line.

Additionally last evening I was looking at the nomurietenkara blog post dated 3/5. About buying the 3.3m straight powerful line.

The replies were funny. The blogger complained about the price. That a much longer spool of FC level line could be purchased for about the same price. Dr. Ishigaki’s response was to point out it still lower cost that saki for a day. And an advantage of the straight line is that you won’t have to deal with coil memory if you fish areas where you need to coil and uncoil the line frequently to move from place to place making it worth the higher price for those who fish those types of places.

Today 3/13 on the same blog is a new post -
ストレートラインパワフルを使った感想 - Impressions using a straight line powerful:

3/13 nomurietenkara blog - Impressions using a straight line powerful

There is some good information on other volumes on the Shimano website too.
I found Vol 25 about the BB rod interesting. Specifically the 4 recommended kebari.

Kebari set
① morning, evening · in dark periods · effective kebari
② throughout season-effective universal fly
③ · early stage in the Tenkara effective fly
④ Effective black kebari in summer for Iwana

I often fish with a kebari like ① and have found it a crowd favorite. Maybe because I often fish in the evenings. I call it my clone of an Oni kebari. Yellow thread body, a collar of black dubbing behind the hackle. Sometimes thin hackle, other times thicker hackle.
And the ② kebari is a lot like Katayama Etsuji"s fuzzy kebari. I became a big fan of that pattern last summer.
Sometimes tied with green thread. Or orange or black. But basically the same pattern & otherwise same materials.
I also fish with kebari similar to ③ & ④ and found them to be attractive to the fish at different times from spring to fall.

Here’s one of my own 悦二片山風ファジー毛鉤, Etsuji Katayama type fuzzy kebari. That I have fished a few times.

Here’s my interpretation of those four flies, just for kicks and grins.


I’ve been watching Dr Ishigaki’s New Tactics DVD

Does this DVD have subtitles?

It does, but they are Japanese language subtitles. :thinking::confused:

It requires old school method of learning tenkara.
If you read blog post of some of the tenkara guru anglers in Japan they will often write something like this - when I was a young boy it was bad manners to ask a village adult to teach you how to tenkara fish. I had to watch from a distance then later try to repeat what I saw them doing. It is learn by careful observation. Just like they did.

I would say it has fewer subtitles than some of the other Japanese tenkara DVDs. With a lot more verbal narration. Out of which I can only pickup a few words.

And also unlike them, it is not a DVD aimed at the novice, no instruction about how to wind kebari, or rig up your tackle. Only a few minutes showing what rod, lines, kebari each of the featured anglers is using. In this case both use Shimano NP rods, probably or maybe to please Dr. Ishigaki’s arrangement with Shimano.

If you can read Japanese hiragana & katakana, and know some kanji or know how to write them with your mouse. You can write out the subtitles and gain some additional insight. It helps if you do not mind doing that sort of thing. Or find it fun, I do, but I am odd.

Some subtitles are easy to figure out. Such as these three subtitles from the All Rounder part featuring Takahashi Shin-san (高橋伸さん):

0:37 向か変化があれば魚からのコンタクト。
5:03 ストレートラインの場合のアタリのとり方は?
22:45 普通のテンカラよりも流している距離が長い。

Other subtitles are more difficult to translate, such as these subtitles from the section featuring Saigō Kazumi-san (西郷和巳 さん).:

5:43 底石によって貝やすい色を使う
8:57 やっくり、長い距離を流す魚に毛鉤を見せる。
11:35 ヨレのあるところ、大石の横を流す・底石を意識する。

Sometimes finding a website with the same terms helps figure the tougher ones out. This website has has helped figure out what ヨレ (yore) means. And a good place to learn other terms or alternate names for the same thing. Though I am still not clear about these terms: ヨレ(モミアワセ)& カケアガリ(ウケ). It is a fun website, despite it being aimed at bait fishing. However, a little struggle to learn new things is ok, it’s all good. Keeps your brain from going stale. :wink:

22:08 ヒラを打っている魚がいる流下が始まっている活性が上がっている。

There are easy and difficult subtitles to figure out in both main sections of the DVD.

Anyway, here’s a thumbnail summary.
5 item menu; Play all, Introduction with Dr. Ishigaki about 5 minutes. The 2nd section with Takahashi Shinsan, about 30 minutes. The section with Saigō Kazumi-san (aka Ajari) also about 30 minutes, closing credits.

The two main sections basically have a short Q & A, a look at their tackle, followed by on stream demonstrations, mostly verbal commentary. With some subtitles.

A little tougher video to understand than some other Japanese language tenkara DVDs, good reviews though on some of the Japanese blogs I’ve seen.

Dr. Ishigaki is only seen in the introduction part. The video has interesting video alternating from ground camera, to drone camera providing a bird’s eye view, to sight camera being worn by the angler, so you see what they see. With ovals drawn on the water to highlight where the kebari is located.

An easier DVD to understand without knowing the language, but aimed at novices, is the Katayama Etsuji [片山悦二] DVD that came out last year, レベルライン・テンカラ入門 , Level Line Tenkara Introduction.
Tsuribito Introduction to Level Line Tenkara DVD

I gain some new insight every time I watch it again, and I am still working on writing down all the subtitles ( almost finished ) and trying to translate them and trying to understand what the sometimes weird translations mean.

Here is some easy to translate advice from Ajari,
5:53 虫の色によって毛鉤を・セレクトする。
If you can figure it out, maybe you can gain more than you think by watching it. :wink:

Terminology of fishing there is a way of showing the experience of individual fishing

Please If you can not understand " fishing-word" is there to tell me

There are many" fishing-words" that make it difficult to understand even Japanese people :smile::smile::smile:


Thank you for the kind offer. I just finished writing out the last subtitle last evening. After having to draw several kanji I did not know several times, I now know them, for example, 距離, was new to me, meaning distance, range, distance out. Depending on other words in the sentence. So my plan is to now is to watch the video again, with my translations in hand, and see if I gain a better understanding of what they are teaching, and also see if while watching with an incorrect translation. If I can figure out a better translation. :thinking:

However, I will accept your offer about the last subtitle in the video and how it should translate into English.

It is kind of confusing because it uses 流す twice in the sentence, but it doesn’t want to translate into the same meaning in both places as I am used to seeing it translate. In one place it appears to mean the usual drifting/sinking of the kebari 10x or 20x, but in another part of the sentence 流す seems to mean “convince” or “persuade”. Well, now, is that correct or is the translation wildly wrong.


Adding these little divider points seemed to help, or at least changes it a bit, But for me this is fun stuff. :wink:
or this

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流す = drifting the kebari

納得 = consent or understanding

If I predict that there will be fish here I will keep kebari drift many times until I catch fish

I will do it ten times and twenty times until I agree


Than you.
My translation was a little different, but I think close enough to capture the same idea.
Here! The points I was persuaded / thought there would be fish I should drift 10x or 20x until satisfied.
Here! Are the points I am convinced would have fish I will stay and drift 10x or 20x until finished.

I am always a little unsure of the difference in meaning of 流す (shed, float) and 流し (sink) & 沈める (sink, submerge). Often both 流す & 流し translate as “shed” , depending on other words used in the sentence, so sometimes both seemed to mean the same thing.
And sometimes I use a strategy of substituting the phrases 死んだドリフト or 自然ドリフト (dead drift or natural drift) or just ドリフト (drift) to see if I could obtain a clearer translation. Fun with word play, :wink: