Since deciding to keep 6 rods and sell the rest I have been using the Fujiryu 330 6:4 almost exclusively. It fishes almost exactly like the TB 33.I have been using both nymphs and kebari and it cast both with great precision. The difference is, that while the TB 33 Is a really nice looking rod, the Fujiryu with its cypress handle and color is downright sexy. You can’t go wrong getting either one
As you know, I have the 360 6:4 version and the 360 5:5 version. I love them both. I also have the 330 5:5 and it is an amazing rod. I like it better than the Itoshiro, and that’s saying something!
I went with the 330 6:4 because I felt it would handle larger fish. One of the creeks I regularly fish has a lot of browns over 15" and I didn’t want to be under gunned. Will the 5:5 handle those?
I recently got the 360 version of the rod and it’s brilliant! I really like it a lot.
I have the 320 5:5 and my son-in-law (Stu) has the 360 5:5. I used his rod for a day and all I can say is WOW!!! Both the 320 and 360 are amazing tenkara rods.
I’ve had one of the Nissin rods with the wood handle for three years, or so. I forget if it is ROYAL STAGE 冨士流テンカラ 本流 or AIR STAGE 冨士流テンカラ rod. But it is one of the longer models, 4.1m (or maybe it’s 4.5m. I don’t have it with me to verify the exact model it is)
While I generally prefer longer handles. I also kind of like the wood handle.
For some reason I don’t recall seeing the Seikon Becho Fujiryu Tenkara rod. [however, google translates 精魂 別誂 as Bespoke Spirit]
But it seems to have been around for a few years. I guess I have forgotten about it because I don’t think Tenkarabum imports that model.
If you like 3.25m or 3.65m rods it’s a nice looking rod. However, it is a little bit more expensive than the Air Stage or Royal Stage rods of the same length. I am assuming it will handle the same size fish, and the slightly higher price mostly comes from a more refined finish. - Seikon Becho Fujiryu Tenkara
Anyway, sounds like several of you are enjoying the Air Stage rods.