Non Slip Loop Knot vs. Canoe Man Loop Knot: Which Knot Is

Non Slip Loop Knot vs. Canoe Man Loop Knot: Which Knot Is Stronger Video - The reason I am posting this is for the differences it shows in knot strengths, costs, and Wet VS Dry Tightening techniques for FCs VS Nylon Monos.

non - Bing video slip loop knot vs canoe man loop knot video&shtp=GetUrl&shid=e9c01cf5-ae3b-4047-96e8-db7d76335b1e&shtk=Tm9uIFNsaXAgTG9vcCBLbm90IHZzLiBDYW5vZSBNYW4gTG9vcCBLbm90OiBXaGljaCBLbm90IElzIFN0cm9uZ2VyPw%3D%3D&shdk=V2FudCBleGNsdXNpdmUgc2FsdHdhdGVyIGZpc2hpbmcgdGlwcyBhbmQgcmVnaW9uYWwgZmlzaGluZyByZXBvcnRzIGluIHlvdXIgYXJlYT8gVGhlbiBjbGljayBoZXJlIHRvIGpvaW4gdXMgaW4gdGhlIEluc2lkZXIgQ2x1YjogaHR0cHM6Ly9iaXQubHkvM29yOU5pdSBIZXJlJ3MgdGhlIGdlYXIgdXNlZCBpbiB0aGlzIGZpc2hpbmcga25vdCB2aWRlbzogQW5kZSBNb25vZmlsYW1lbnQgKDIwIGxiKTogaHR0cHM6Ly9iaXQubHkvM25wdWlMNiBTZWFndWFyIEJsdWUgTGFiZWwgRmx1b3JvY2FyYm9uICgyMCBsYik6IGh0dHBzOi8vYml0Lmx5LzJKU00zVnkgTWlzc2lvbiBGaXNoaW4gSmlnIEhlYWQ6IGh0dHBzIC4uLg%3D%3D&shhk=0fiKgu1CfgRXnmnVdPzlLD90uFpUmRGgoaipGbtGcpM%3D&form=VDSHOT&shth=OVP._Igc8ZSBXVNpgjWxPzBdTgHgFo

Here is another tutorial on tying the Canoe Man Knot with some really easy to see and interesting visuals:

With stiffer heavier tippets, it is an easy knot to tie. But with 6X and lighter tippets, it may be easier to pull the Right Loop through the Left Loop with hemostats or scissor points.

In the No-Slip VS Canoe Man Video, the fact that the Canoe Man knot broke consistently under the FC Line category every time compared to the Krey Loop knot in Nylon is not really a Failure, but a sign of consistency. If you have ever attempted to test 2 knots against each other (even tied to the same hook at the same time), the thing that happens more often than not is that there is no clear winning knot! Sometimes one knot breaks and sometimes the other knot breaks. And more confusing yet is the fact that neither knot always breaks at the knot but somewhere on the line in between. If enough knots are tied and tested, eventually a knot strength trend can be established. But it takes an awful lot of tying and breaking of line to get there.

When it comes to knot testing, Simple Knots have an inherent Advantage over more complicated knots in that there are fewer turns of line to go wrong. All of RIO’s knot tying Tutorials and Knot Strength Tests are conducted with Nylon Line because of its superior knot strength over FC. None of the line makers want to give their higher profit margin lines bad publicity. While Nylon Lines are certainly a lot cheaper and have better knot strength than FC, the thing the above video leaves out is the Durability Factor that the FC. lines show over Nylon Lines. Anglers are advised to buy New Nylon Lines every Year. That replacement cost every year adds up to where the FC is a better investment in the long run.

The better Refractive Index of FC. Line over Nylon is not as significant as the line makers would like we anglers to believe,. So, I do not see that as being the deciding issue one way or the other.

Almost universally, anglers seek to have a 100% knot strength knot at the fly, mistakingly thinking it will give the best performance, which it will not. If your Tippet-To Fly Knot is stronger than your Tippet-To-Line Knot, when you have fish take your fly away or you have to break off on a snag, you will not just loose the fly but all your tippet material as well. Contrary to common opinion, the weakest link in our fly fishing knot chains needs to be at the fly. The fact that the Canoe Man Knot breakers so Consistently makes it a Winner rather than a failure.

Yesterday was a rough day on the river for me with snagged flies, and this post gets to an important point. Having your tippet break off at the point of the fly is a significant benefit; you can just quickly put on another fly until the tippet get’s too short and then your replace. I’ve been using the following knot configuration: slip-knot for my FC line to lillian; a slip-knot for my 12 inches of sighter to my FC line (with a figure-eight knot at the end of the FC line); I then attach a tippet ring to the sigher material using a 16/20 knot, and then use a 16/20 knot for the tippet to the tippet ring, and then a 16/20 knot for the tippet to the fly.

The 16/20 knot, which I first learned about from a blog post by @tvdavisid (see link here for another nice video on how to tie it is easy to tie, small enough for something as thick as a sighter at the tippet ring, gives you feedback on when it has been done properly, and is strong. One thing I’ve noticed since using this configuration is that when I snag and have to break off (usually by pulling on my FC line, with rod tip protected) I always get a clean break at the point of the fly. I especially appreciated this on a day like yesterday when I was trying to keep flies close to the bottom, and was therefor snagging logs and rocks left and right and having to break off quite often.

Dustin, it seems your knot tying strategy is working out very well for you. I’m not a tippet ring fan but I know lots of anglers out there really like them. I do not know if you tie your own flies but it doesn’t matter much if you do not because there are plenty of commercial, weighted nymph Jig Hook Patterns out there, the changing to which should reduce your fly loss and knot tying necessity considerably. Tight Lines…Karl.

That’s a Very interesting knot! Quick and easy to tie with and without hemostats. But, where did the16/20 Name come from, and what relation does 16/20 have to the knot being tied? Just curious…Karl.

The Tactical Fly Fisher has an article on the origin:

The 16/20 Knot is also known as the Pitzen Knot and the Eugene Bend Knot. In RIO’s breaking strength test on their tying tutorial, it broke @ 89% but it does not fulfill the No-Slip Loop Knot Requirements. Here is a tutorial on tying the Eugene Bend Knot:

However, thank you very much for your valuable contributions, they are much appreciated.