North Carolina Oni Training Workshop April 2024

Is anyone attending the Oni Workshop in April 4-7, 2024? It is near Canton,NC at Lake Logan.
Tenkara Angler posted some info about the workshop. It will cost $500 plus $250 extra if you decide to stay in the cabin at Lake Logan. Compared to other workshops this seems like a bargain since I don’t have to travel halfway across the US. Actual classes will be on April 5-6. If you are attending please let me know. I have already signed up and it would be great to have some of the members participating in this event.I hope to see you there.

It’s on my probably list right at the moment, but I do actually have family travel already on the books for that weekend.

I think $500 for 4 days with Rob Worthing is an absolute steal. The one hour presentation that he did for free at the Elkmont Campground was outstanding, I’d love a two day class followed up by two days of fishing with those guys.

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@arrowrand Randy,
Thanks for the info. This is the first time I have attended a tenkara workshop and wasn’t sure
about spending the money but it seemed like a great deal considering I could drive and stay there for $750 dollars. I’m pleased to hear that you enjoyed Dr. Rob Worthing’s presentation. It seems he knows a lot about tenkara as well as Oni’s traditional tenkara style. I taught myself fly fishing, fly tying, and tenkara by reading and practicing. However, I know I could greatly enhance my learning curve by Rob’s supervision. As the saying goes, I know just enough to be dangerous. I hope to see you there. Have a great Holiday with your family.

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