None of these are one piece bamboo rods.
Anglo & Company appears to make two. I say appears because they look like bamboo, but I don’t see the words bamboo rod ( 竹竿, take zao) or 和竿 (wazao) in the description. It could be they are synthetic materials made to look like bamboo, but I don’t think so. They seem to be produced only when an order is placed.
Both are about 3.2m in length. Fairly heavy for short rods, and pricey at 108,000 and 110,000 yen. I think you’d have to be serious about getting one at those prices.
Daniel Galhardo wrote about the bamboo tenkara rods made by Dr. Ichihashi, 市橋, a pediatric doctor who has been making bamboo tenkara rods for many years. It’s an interesting read. Don’t know if he sells them, how you could order one if he does, likely also expensive.
There are also several post on the Yoshidakebari blog about his work. Such as this one
And maybe this one too
Some interesting google search results can be found with the following phrases:
市橋先生の竹テンカラ竿作り Ichihachi Sensei making bamboo tenkara rod
テンカラ竹竿作り Making tenkara bamboo rod
テンカラ竹竿製作 Tenkara bamboo pole production
テンカラ竹竿を作る Make a bamboo tenkara pole
Or modify the above by substituting 和竿 for 竹竿.
A google search for 竹テンカラ竿販売 Bamboo Tenkara pole sale, might find something.
Here is one I found with a quick search that listed テンカラ竿(毛バリ竿) Tenkara rod (kebari rod)
The easiest route might to contact Isaac Tait with an inquiry about ordering a Yamano-san made bamboo tenkara rod. However, if he only produces a few rods each month probably also expensive.
Here’s a fun video of one being given a trial run on a stream.
テンカラ和竿(The tradition for tenkara fishing rod)