Rainnbow trout high jump event

Anyone interested in downloading a copy of Eddie (Eiji) Yamakawa’s pdf booklet, “Basics of Tenkara for Beginners” - a 10 page pdf file he wrote and distributed at the 2012 TUSA summit. Should be able to get it here:


If you don’t recall seeing Eddie before -

An interview by Jason Klass:

Maybe Adam Trahan has interviewed him too.
Yep, it is here:

Eiji’s blog, though it doesn’t appear he has added any new content since 2007.
After his trip to the 2012 Tenkara Summit many people were interested in his method of making a twisted taper line, that he demonstrated at the summit. The information is on his blog. page006 - お役立ち情報 / Useful /helpful information.