Recent purchase of a North County Flies book

I recently purchased A Guide to North County Flies and How to Tie Them.
The book is written by Mike Harding (2009). I highly recommend if you see this book please do yourself a favor and purchase the book. I got a great deal from Amazon, however, I did notice some vendors are way over price. The book’s original price was 14.99 pounds (about $19.00). I believe the book is out of print so $40-$50 dollars would not be unreasonable. Again I saw some vendors trying to get in excess of $130 and more. This is ridiculous so if you see this please keep looking. I know there are other books out there that are more reasonably priced.
The book is 192 pages in length and shows 140 flies in detail. The photography is excellent and history plus materials are listed as well. I received a library copy from Lancashire County Library which was one of the areas where North County Spiders and Wet flies were developed. This book would be well worth your time and effort to find and buy. It listed materials you would need as well as substitutes, this is a great help for new tiers. Page 11 gives the sources and books that would help you in your pursuit of learning more about the kebari-like flies.


You have a bargain there. I have been looking for a copy of the book in the UK for a while now but they are all out of my reach. You can’t beat a good ‘spider’ fly.

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@davidsr Thanks David; I have been looking for this book also for quite a while. I just checked on Amazon one day and there it was at a great price. It was offered for sale by a library in England. I guess it wasn’t being checked out anymore and they decided to release it from their collection. Keep an eye out because I’m sure another copy will come up for sale without having to take out a second mortgage. I also picked up some books by W.S. Fogg, E.M. Tod, Allen McGee, and all of them were once library copies (in great shape).
I love wet flies, flymphs, and spiders. I fish them wet, subsurface, and dry with a lot of luck.
I will keep my eye out for you, if I run across a copy of the North County Flies book for a reasonable price I will let you know my friend. I’m glad someone else enjoys this style of fly.

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I just did a brief ten minute search online and the cheapest I found was $111 in the US (plus postage) and £150 in the UK. That’s a bit rich. Give it time, it will likely come back down in price. The question is simply “when”.


I agree, some of the prices are outrageous.

Thanks gents for looking.