Mine is ordered and on the way from Japan! Can’t wait to update!
Looking forward to hearing all about it.
Best info I found so far of someone who has fished the new Shimano Pack Tenkara ZW. Mine is showing to be delivered just after the new year. Great way to start the year!
First take. Rod is short and compact as expected. Grip is thicker than its Shimano brother the ZL and NP. Very much a more compact rod than average Tenkara rods. I love the deep green blank color! I’ll admit I’m a Shimano Tenkara snob, but seriously they do such a great job in quality fit and finish. I was only able to wiggle the rod in house for a bit. Rod feels similar to others designed by Dr. Ishigaki. No surprise here. Feels similar at both 3.1 and 3.4m. Zoom section seats very tightly and secure. If you love Shimano Tenkara you will want this rod. If not, you will still want this rod by length and looks alone! Haha. Rod feels super light in hand. Can’t wait to fish and give more feedback. More to come…
I was able to fish some stocker trout the other day getting my first chance to see the Pack Tenkara ZW in action. I was using a 3.6m white Tenkara Fujino line. Rod cast great with no noticeable tip wobble. I was pleased with the tip recovery from casting and working a fly. Maybe it’s the “top stop” Shimano tech? Haha. I would say the rod felt 6:4 to me in overall action. As you would expect rod feels extremely light in hand at 3.1m. I like that it did not feel very difffrent at 3.4m. Don’t get me wrong, you can tell a difference due to the added length, but rod feels similar in action. My opinion is that Shimano has a winner that will become a primary rod for many people due to its packability and zoom lengths. Fun rod so far!
For what it’s worth, Shimano uploaded a video several days ago called “Tackle Impression” where a young woman interviews Ishigaki-sensei about this rod. He talks about the rod and how it compliments or completes the existing Shimano tenkara series of rods. It seems the young woman interviews many of the big name “consultants” to discuss the products made by Shimano.
阪本智子, Sakamoto Tomoko. aka ともちゃん, Tomochan.
Thanks @dwalker.
Dr. Ishigaki evaluates the Pack Tenkara rod after one season of use.
Pack Tenkaraの評価 (Evaluation / or Rating)
Would you agree with this assessment JeffR?
The 30 minute video, from July 2018, that is linked to in the above blog post.
【Funding Hundred Views / Scenic Spots】 # 246
Japan’s ancient fishing “Tenkara” Walking in the Gifu mountain for beautiful fish
日本古来からの釣り「テンカラ」 美しき魚を求め岐阜の渓を歩く
Better late than never. Haha. I would agree that the Pack Tenkara is a great all around rod for true Tenkara tactics in small to medium streams/rivers. Took it out today enjoying the longear sunfish guarding beds.
Always good to hit
small water for some wild fish! Also fished the main river catching some brook trout. This rod has become one of my go to rods for sure. Just can’t leave without it.Hit the Neches River today. It was a many day with likely 50+ fish caught. Multiple species including White bass, bluegill, largemouth bass, yellow bass, spotted bass, dollar sunfish, longear sunfish, and a red spotted sunfish. Can not say enough about the Shimano Pack Tenkara. Just a rod that’s hard to leave home. Packs small, very durable thus far, a good fish bends it to the cork ,and the smile grows ear to ear. Including some of the better pics…