I’m thinking it’s a bionic squirrel with a flaky chip causing multiple software crashes and auto-reboots. Or the food offered is coffee beans and he’s going into short duration caffeine high.
However, at about 22 seconds, just before he sits up tall, and freezes. I hear some kind of critter, perhaps recognized as a predator. Small critters that are prey, honored dinner guest, can sit absolutely still for a l-o-n-g time, not even blinking.
Well, of course not. The comment was meant as a joke. But I forgot to include the
However, only a few coffee beans could OD a small body.
There are more squirrels than I’ve ever seen before at or vacation house. All summer I’ve 2 to four of them most days. Fat, shiny, and healthy. I missed seeing it three weeks ago, as I was still at home, but my wife was here and for two days she said the oak tree across the road had 8 to 10 squirrels in the tree for two days. From sunup till sunset. Raining down nut shells onto the road. That have left the pavement stained a darker color.
However, several weeks ago I also saw one of our newest migrant invaders only 50 yards south from the house. A porcupine. At least I think that’s what I saw.
I thought at first it was a big, fat, weird colored groundhog. That might have been dead. I watched it for 15 minutes. It never moved or even blinked. When I pickup truck drove by it fell over on its side, and moved a little bit. I thought the next day I would see it laying dead by the road side. But after I moved farther way, it slowly got up onto its feet and wandered off into the brush.