I’d like to hear from people who have used the Kiyotaki 180 for small stream trout fishing.
How many times have you fished it?
What sizes of trout did you catch, and how did the rod feel?
I’d be using it almost exclusively for bow and arrow casting in very small streams where even my 240 cm rods are too long. Any other thoughts on the rod are also welcome.
I’ve got the 210, and have fished it only 2 times.
It’s stiffer than I thought it’d be. The price was very good. It’s very narrow in the grip, I am considering using a wrap. Seems reasonably well made though.
If you are going to fish extremely tight situations, as it sounds like you are planning (the bow and arrow comment) it will be effective. That relative stiffness is nice for getting a fish to hand in a brushy mess.
Will I get rid of mine? No. It’s a nice option to have in my day pack for that one special opportunity.
These may be discontinued though, if you find one act fast.
Thanks James, I appreciate the input. And yeah, I saw that notice on TenkaraBum about it being possibly discontinued. Guess I’ll have to pull the trigger pretty soon here!
I am awaiting the delivery of a 180. I am still a little unsure if it is going to be something I like. I am worried that I am going to hate the stiffness. I was also considering the Esoteric 245-206. In the end I went with the Shimotsuke because it was a little less expensive and it was shipping from the U.S… I didn’t want to deal with the international shipping. But now I am second guessing myself. Does anyone have the Esoteric that can speak to its stiffness? I can still change my mind on the Shimotsuke and return it. Also, If it really is out of production I’d be out of luck if I ever broke it.
I have not used the Esoteric rod yet, but have read a lot of reviews about it and have talked to a few who has kept it as their personal choice for small streams rods (even after trying a bunch others, including the Muzuchi, in which people have stated is a stiff casting rod at its shortest length). The general consciences about the Esoteric is it’s a smooth gentle casting rod through a range of line weights.
I can get you in contact with someone who uses the rod on a regular basis.
I own the rod. I bought it for a particularly small stream with very tight casting conditions. I have used it for mostly that stream which I fish a few times a year and also is a rod I carry with the kids when we go ponds or lakes where there is a chance for some shore or dock side blue gills.
It works great for bow and arrow and it is possible to cast but its not pretty or fun. it can handle decent fish…in the trout world maybe 9 or 10 incher is my best? Blue gill front…some fat guys. all put a deep bend in it but without concern.
Hi Tristan. I also had a Kiyotaki 18. I do not remember exactly how many fish I caught on it but it was a good number. My experiences back up what the others have said above - good on the Slingshot Cast but not a lot of fun otherwise. The length is 5 ft 10 in, .6 oz., RFI of 6.34 and is a 16 Penny rod. For comparison the Kiyotaki 24 is 2 feet longer, weighs 1oz., with a RFI of 6.25 and comes in as a 15 Penny rod. In all honesty, I could not recommend either of those rods for you but, your likes may be different from mine. I found a supplier in the UK after Chris quit stocking them and the cost with the shipping was about the same as it would have cost here, as I remember…Karl.
Any further conclusions on the 180 @TenkaraAddict? Ive been thinking of getting one to carry on my mountain bike rides to a similar mountain stream here in Boise. The stream can have quite a bit of water, especially in the spring, but there is so much vegetation that there’s literally like 4-5 places open enough to cast a 310 rod. I feel like a tiny rod would open up more opportunities for bow 'n arrow casts and make a retrieval remotely possible!
I’ve used it I think 3 times and caught only 4 or 5 fish on it, so I don’t have a comprehensive review of it or anything, but I like it. I think it’s probably as good as you’re going to get in this size class of rod. I caught a couple of relatively large (10–12") fish on it, and the rod handled them well. If you’re fishing for micros, it’s not super sensitive, so it’s less than ideal.
Right on, Ill probly pick one up. Let me know next time you come through Boise, I’d love to take you up to the creek I referred to. You’d love it. Its in the mountains, small, beautiful, runs along a fantastic hiking trail, and is full of native redbands.