Tenkara Angler Spring 2018

It is that time again and the latest issue of the Tenkara Angler is available. What a superb issue! Something for everybody here, whatever your Tenkara/Fixed Line style is. Thank you Michael @troutrageous1 .


PS. Michael ever thought of making it a monthly issue? :grinning: . Just joking as you do need some time to fish yourself.

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More importantly, thanks for spreading the news. I’m my worst enemy when it comes to promoting the magazine because I try not to SPAM forums, Facebook pages, etc… so definitely appreciate it when it’s shared organically by readers.

Here’s the link if anybody in this forum hasn’t seen it yet:


Thanks for the heads up guys.
Michael, they have tv shows in Japan about tenkara, we don’t have one here, yet.
I’ve seen a few of your videos. You’re " The Dude" You’ve got the contacts, and you’re ready for the next step, the next challenge, and can make it happen. :star_struck::open_mouth:
Okay, just kidding, … Maybe.