Tenkara Lines 101- Mossy Creek Fly Fishing

The other most significant T-Line not mentioned in the above article are Titanium Tenkara lines, which are wire and can handle the most windy conditions of all. Here is a Link to the information:


I have never used a Titanium Line for stream fishing, just in stillwater fishing. So I didn’t get the Visual Indicator Esoteric Tackle recommends and just added a fairly short tapered FC. leader between the Ti-Line and the fly as the angler Feels the hits very prominently. and precisely. But, if you intend to use a TI-Line in running waters, the visual indicator section would be very useful as TI-Line is nearly invisible.

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This is linked to the Esoteric information provided above but may be overlooked, so here is the whole thing seperately:

And here is a Tenkara Talk Review of the Esoteric Titanium Tenkara Line and Sighter.

And here is a Teton Tenkara Review of a different maker’s Titanium Tenkara Line under different very windy conditions:

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I remembered that Chris Steward use to carry Ti lines at one time but I haven’t seen it on his website in some time. You might want to contact Chris at TenkaraBum.com to see what he thinks. I’m not sure why he dropped it from his website. Maybe there was not enough demand for it or it caused problems however, I’m sure he should be able to direct you to the source here in the US if you want some to try out and give you the low down on Ti lines. Chris is an amazing person with a wealth of knowledge.

Mike, thank you for the information. Chris dropped the Ti-Lines due to a lack of demand. The material is still available as a leader material from some general fishing and salt water supply houses but in much heavier diameters than we T-anglers need. I believe Esoteric Tackle is the only Tenkara supplier still selling Ti-Tenkara Lines…Karl.