The new Dragontail Tenkara 360 (Kokoro) rod

I recently saw a review by Dr. Tom Davis testing the new Kokoro 360 cm tenkara rod. It seemed like he really enjoyed this new rod and it felt like a premium Japanese rod. Please look at his review for all the details because he gave the rod very high praises. If you are interested in a new rod you might want to consider this rod. It is available for pre-order and hopefully will be available sometime in August.
If Tom really likes a rod, you know its got to be awesome. There is only person that has tested more rods than Tom and that is God, so you can trust his recommendation.


I’m really happy to see the direction of new rods coming from US brands. Light and soft rods are my favorite, but the best of these rods have been difficult to acquire due to barriers like importing, price, and availability.

Looking forward to trying out the Kokoro sometime.


“My collection is complete” - Guenther, early 2024


Haha, you caught me shopping.

Hopefully I can sit this one out. Should any of the Seattle area anglers pick one up I’d love to take it for a spin.

I keep saying the same thing and somehow I always manage to purchase another rod. I think I have reached the level of addiction at this point. Maybe I will start up (TA ) Tenkara Anonymous and develop the 10 step program.


Many of us would like to see you develop that program. :wink:

My take on it.

The new DRAGONtail KOKORO (prototype) comparison.


Excellent video on the rod. I believe the rods will be shipped out sometime in August. Thanks again for covering the detail on the rod and comparing it to two other Japanese rods. Kris, you did a really nice job on explaining the rod’s characteristics.

Thanks. I fished it again today and got into some better fish (several videos coming). The rod bends well and feels strong. Very impressed with the casting performing today with a 13’ level line and unweighted fly.


How many rods do you own presently? It seems we have the same problem/disease of “Tenkararoditis.” Presently, there is no cure for this unfortunate disease. The only thing
you can do is buy another rod to slow down its effects. :grinning:
I really enjoy your youtube videos.

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Or should we call it TenkaraBumitis since it’s Chris who got us all started down this rabbit hole.


This is so true. It is all Chris Stewart’s fault. Instead of taking the blame from my wife, I’ll just say Chris did it. :sunglasses: We now have an excuse for all our members on this site. If your wife or girlfriend gets upset, just say “Chris did it.”

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I received a message that the rod has been mailed out and I should receive it by
Saturday (08/03).

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Ha, I was able to resist. :smiling_face_with_tear:

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It looks like I’m back at Step #1 again. Darn!!! :disappointed:

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Dang that Stewart guy. :rofl: :rofl:

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I’ve sold off a bunch of rods. I think I have about 60 now.


I picked up a Kokoro and it’s a great rod. It has a refined taper /action that’s definitely higher-end, and an excellent value. Used it my first day Tenkara fishing in early October. Was perfect for light 4.5 m level line - tight line tactics with a #18 olive Perdigon stretcher and #16 snipe and purple dropper on a lower-water section of my home river.

