The old kebari pattern ”Nymph fly?”

A diagram of a pattern

Short Hackle & Red Three Beads・・・I think that it is a concept of hotspot
Body Peacock


From the pattern collection about 100 years ago

old type kebari "for iwana 岩魚” There is also such a type

Weight = used shotgun balls in the past


This never occurred to me previously, but is a brilliant idea. Although, modern bead heads are much more convenient.

And all, completely, perfectly agree :wink:

Bead heads are okay in tenkara then - so I have not been cheating with my beadhead flies ?


here’s my zenmai beadhead from 2 years ago

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Perfect finish・・・( ^ω^)・・・ That’s great! :heart_eyes:

I like the look of that zenmai. Where does one source that stuff? I’ve never seen it before.

ゼンマイ・・・ゼンマイ - Wikipedia

It is a fiber that can be taken from ferns

ぜんまい胴 = ゼンマイ胴ゼンマイ胴&oq=ゼンマイ胴&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Kebari is a description of the body

There are a few places you can purchase it online, although it is often difficult to find. The easiest is to harvest it yourself. If you find a big enough patch of ferns, you can harvest enough for several seasons worth of fly tying within an hour or two.

If you don’t know, it’s the “fuzz” on newly emerging ferns in the spring. While osmunda japonica is the original species, if you don’t live in Asia it’s hard to find in nature. That being said, any fern in the osmunda family works well.

If you like foraging for fiddle head ferns in the spring, you can harvest zenmai at the same time.

By the way, welcome to the forum @SSmtb. Thanks for joining us.

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Cool thanks for the info. Not many ferns here in Idaho that I can get to. I’ll have to stick with dubbing for now.

Thanks for the welcome! I joined to ask a question about my fly selection, but for the life of me can’t figure out how to start a new topic. Oh well. I’ll just enjoy the wonderful kebari posted here.

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Ahhh. That’s a common question. New users have to spend a certain amount of time on the forum before they can create a new thread. You can reply to existing threads and generally participate. It’s the same for all new users.

New users need to read a minimum of 10 topics, 30 posts, and spent 100 minutes on the forum before they can create topics. There are also a few other minor restrictions initially.

You could also try the search tool (the magnifying glass in the top right) to see if there’s a relevant existing topic until you’ve fulfilled the above. I hope that helps.

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Welcome Carl,

Keiichi at tenkaraya has zenmai. Only 4 in stock.

Anthony Naples sometimes has it at threeriverstenkara. , but currently out of stock.

A zenmai body kebari takes on an interesting appearance when wet. But zenmai is a tedious contrary material to work with. You have to tease out the fibers from its knotted clumps.

Maybe these videos will give some insight to using it.

ZENMAI-DOU by Christophe [ note: dou = watage = fluff = 綿毛 ]

The Kenbane Zenmaidou Tying. by Yuu Cadowachi [ note: kenbane = sword feather = alula feather]

His blog post Kenbane Zenmaidou tying

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Carl I saw your post about fly selection on the TUSA forum a few days ago.
I wasn’t sure how to answer your question as I am really unfamiliar with some flies you listed or have little experience with several others.

But if you don’t mind, I can provide a link, and copy paste your questions here, assuming you are still looking for opinions about the same questions, to help you get a jump over the forum safety restrictions.

However, if you prefer I can edit this post and remove them.

TUSA Help me narrow down my fly selection

"Hi all. I’m new to tenkara fishing this year, but have fished western gear a bit.

I’ve also picked up fly tying too, which has been pretty fun. After going overboard a bit buying materials, the strong minimalist in me is looking to simplify my tying and fishing. I’ve already narrowed my selection a bit, but I can’t help but think I could go with wayyy less, especially as far as sizes go.

I’m fishing in Boise Idaho, so mostly our big urban tailwater, with limited trips into the mountains to freestone rivers and smaller freestone creeks.
Here’s what I’ve got so far, with a RANGE (not just the two) of sizes I tie for each:

Griffiths Gnat 18-20 (Winter/small hatches)
Elk Hair Caddis: 18-14 (caddis hatches)
Adams: 20-14 (mayfly hatches)
Rio Grande Trude 8-16 (stoneflys/all purpose attractor)


wooly and killer buggers 8-12
Takayama Sakasa Kebaris, light and dark 10-16
Ishigaki kebaris, 10-16
Unbeaded Pheasant Tail soft hackle 12-16
Red San Juan Worm 14

Deep water/winter:

Beadhead Pheasant Tail Nymphs 12-20
Beadhead Sakasa Kebaris 14-18
killer bugs 12-16
Zebra Midge 20

Yikes. The minimalist in me sees few patterns, but way too much overlap and too many sizes.

Any thoughts? I know tailwaters require more refined fly choice, but I’d still like to narrow down to 2-4 patterns, or maybe a couple to cycle in and out for each season."

Maybe someone here will rise to the fly questions. :wink:

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Yeah, this is the zenmai video I was looking for earlier, I just didn’t recall who tied it, turns out it is a video from Mr. Anthony. However, it is not a bead head nymph kebari. [ ビーズヘッドニンフ毛鉤 ]

It is a zenmai dou body kebari, with soft hackle,[ ゼンマイ綿毛ボディ毛鉤 with ソフトハックル ]

Three Rivers Tenkara: Tying a Zenmai and Hen Pheasant Soft Hackle

fwiw, I also use and like the competition hooks he mentions in the video.

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Hi, I just looked at your website and it is a great website about the history of kebari and Japanese fishing and culture. I am love the ability to transfer to site to English with the push of a button, because many Japanese website don’t offer this and I think it is great that you do. Thank you for information and sharing it with others and I highly recommend anyone who hasn’t visited your website to do so. :grinning:

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Thank you for your visit to my web site
Let’s have fun together :wink:

I have been playing around recently with dubbing. For sometime now I have liked using Jamieson’s Shetland Spindrift wool. It is two ply and is useful in that format but recently I was try to tie up some Ed Koch midge nymphs on a hook #20 so pulled it apart and dubbed it, using a Jan Silman Turbo Dubbing twister with a soft loop. I wanted the end result to look buggy. This means I can take any wool colours and create interesting ones. If the end result is trimmed then it may achieve a similar result that the fern gatherings are creating. Just a thought.

Here a a couple of photos