The Underwater World of Trout

I purchased these videos on DVD from UnderwaterOz, (Wendell Ozfovich) several years ago, and found them to be informative.

Recently, over the past six weeks, YTC - The New Fly Fisher - has uploaded them, I am assuming with UnderwaterOz’s permission. Maybe you will find them interesting too.

Original source, which has additional videos:

Both are about one hour in length

The Underwater World of Trout | How They See

Trout Vision & How They See Predators

This next one isn’t one of UnderwaterOz’s videos, but it is interesting and was uploaded yesterday. And it’s only about 2 minutes in length.

Why Fish Will Hold in Front of Rocks | Hydro Cushion


There is no interesting new anime to watch this season, so i’ll watch these! Thank you so much!

Thank you so much for introducing wonderful videos.

I am pleased to read you found them interesting. Since he uploaded the first video in late November and the second video in late December I am wondering , hoping he may upload the third video later this month.

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I met this man in the mid-1990s when he was giving a presentation at the University of Maryland during a fly fishing show. He was amazing and had a wonderful slide show presentation. I bought the first 2 DVD’s but maybe it is time to purchase the last 2 DVD"s. The first two are great so I am sure the last two are just as excellent. Mr. Ozfovich is a great person. Even though he has a wealth of information, he seems very humble and willing to help anyone that wants to learn. ><))))))*>

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I believe if you look at Ozzie’s website there are only 3 DVDs available: Vol 1Discovery, Vol 2 Feeding Lies, and Vol 3 Trout Vision and Refraction.

The fourth title listed, Vol 4 Not Just Trout, is one of four onsite banquet presentations he offers. Perhaps the same one you saw at UM in the mid 1990s.

Vol 4 Not Just Trout - why do we love to fish?

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Thanks David, so I only need one DVD to complete the series. I haven’t gone on his website yet, but I will soon to make an order. Thanks again.

I followed Davids advice a year or so ago. Its a great series.


The third volume was uploaded just a few days ago. It’s wonderful, no less. I’m so grateful for this guy’s dedication.

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Olivier, thanks for checking and the update.
I had checked 10 days ago to see if the third video had been uploaded because it was around the 25th of Dec, and Jan. when the previous 2 videos were uploaded.

Territorial Behavior of Rainbow Trout
His conclusion is trout defend a limited territory if your not catching fish, find a different spot.
Interestingly in one of the Underwater Oz videos he points out a trout missing one eye, and when he filmed the same section of stream a year later the same trout was still in the same location. Only a little larger.

A couple of videos for Vladimir from Подводная Ирландия. :wink:
Underwater Ireland : the narration is in English, but it has Russian subtitles.

Trout response to color

The next two videos are examples using lures. But ignoring that, the emphasis is on how color choices affect trout behavior…


Thanks David for the interesting video, for the Russian subtitles. In the summer I caught rainbow trout, I won’t say for all the colors, but they liked the orange for sure.