Three word story

This is a fun way to have an abstract conversation. Each poster can only post three words that compliment the last three to create a story line that in theory could go on forever.

So I will start with these three words.

The path to…

A place I…

was yesterday with…

A friend who…

tenkara fishes with…

A kabari tied…

by legendary shokuryōshi …

and catches fish

With surprising consistency…

one other more…

(continuing… The path to… a place I… was yesterday with… … … one other more…)

dark, stormy, night

(I couldn’t help myself)

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washed out. So

had to turn…

left at Albuquerque

(couldn’t help myself… again)

and drove past

The post which

I used to

Somewhere in time…

know was halfway

I met a traveler