Today on the water

Handsome dog. Awesome river. In the bottom photo the water looks a little bit tea colored.

We have a few streams, at higher elevations, with tea colored water caused by tannins released from fallen leaves. But maybe the water in the Titovka River is clear, and the water only looks tea colored due to the shadows in the last photo or the color of the river bed…

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Thank you for sharing, you live in such a beautiful place!

The water is clean and clear, you can type in a cup and drink from any water reservoir. This is the color of stones, rocks so displayed in the photo.


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Pre-Father’s Day fishing trip. This one was nice enough to warrant a photo.


River Teriberka. Here summer has not come yet. The level of water in the river is very high. The fish is not active, maybe because of the cold? +4 degrees Celsius. Quick photo and into the river, grow further.


Lots of water, beautiful country!


Brrrrr. Summer must last only a couple of weeks before it starts tapering off into Autumn. And then quickly transition back into snowy winter.
I’m guessing you may have 20 ~ 22 hours of daylight each day at this time of year. Making it possible to get in more tenkara fishing during the short summer weather. :wink:

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Yes David, 24 hours of daylight. The sun does not set over the horizon. Polar day. You can fish for 24 hours, but work prevents you from doing this.:grin:

Been absent lately, my apologies, my wife has MS and sometimes medical takes precedence. I’ve not abounded my obligations here.

on the ocean today


River Teriberka, today was a warm day + 10. I photographed only one trout. It is dangerous to take pictures by phone, standing in the middle of the river. One phone drowned last season on this river. Trout was released, but for the first time caught whitefish on tenkara. The trout was not caught, but instead of it the whitefish poured.


Hi Vladimir, putting a tether with a neck strap on my Otterbox case is one thing I do to help protect my phone while fishing & hiking.


I’ve been out a couple of times recently to a creek close to home and have managed to catch quite a number of wild Coastal Cutthroat and hybrid Cutbow Trout. There have been a few chunky 9" to 11" fish that put a big bend in my Watershed 300 in the fast current and were a lot of fun, but these little guys were so pretty.


Heading to high country this weekend with Luong of Tanuki tenkara for some small steam fishing! Very excited!

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micro fishing?

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I live outside of a small town of just over 750 people. Because of this, we have to drive about 25 minutes to the closest city for shopping and just about anything else. The only reason I mention this is because there is a very nice river that flows through the city. I’ve often thought that it looks like it would hold fish. This morning things worked out and I headed over there.

The only brown of the day, though it was a decent one.

These were everywhere and ranged from about 8" (20cm) to about 14" (35cm).

I hooked the biggest one of the day in the head of this huge pool. On the second jump it was probably 1.5m in the air and my fly went one direction and the fish went another and disappeared.

I was the only one out on the water.


750 people live in the city, and you were alone on this beautiful river. What do other fishermen do?

хахаха! город, где находится эта река, имеет около 15000 человек! В моем городе всего 750 человек. Многие люди ловят рыбу там, где я живу.

hahaha The city where this river is located has about 15,000 people! In my town only 750 people. Many people catch fish where I live.

This is just happiness! Near the beautiful river live 15,000 people, and you are alone on the river. Only you, good weather and fish! The dream of every fisherman.

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