What are your #tenkara goals for 2018

Do you have any tenkara goals for the up coming New Year? How did your goals from the past year work out for you?

I find it effective to review and analyze things I’ve learned and accomplished and use that to inform my future learning. The idea of praxis has had a big impact on me and I apply it to tenkara as well as other areas of my life.

This past year, I primarily focused on improving my casting and presentation skills. More than anything, it showed me how much I have to learn and how little I know. While I do love being outdoors and fishing, this gave me something specific to focus on when on the river (though focusing on nature and fishing is reason enough). I feel that focusing on this helped me to better understand why I would catch fish at certain points and not others. Again, it reinforced for me how much I have to learn about fishing tenkara.

This will be my goal again for the New Year. Improve my casting and presentation.

What about you?

I want to catch wild brook trout in every state in which they are native. That’s a long term goal but I hope to add two or three states in 2018.


Seeking out some new fishing locations along the streams I often fish.

Continue to improve various casting techniques.

Specifically a method shown recently by John & Paul at DT, a low horizontal back cast under low canopy. Followed by a horizontal forward cast where toward the end the rod is rotated up, ending pretty much at the same 45˚ or so angle when doing a normal overhead forward cast. And still get a FFFO, fly first fly only, kebari splash down. Looks like a bow and arrow back cast may be the way to go.

More often use, and improve on the other known fishing techniques: 逆引き, 横引き, 止釣り, & 止め送り. [ Gyakubiki, yoko biki, tome-dzuri, & tome okuri ] as well as improve natural drift.

Also try 走らかし [ hashira kashi ] . Which John and Paul wrote about in their ebook, or you can find it mentioned in the new print book on page 56. Where it is described as “run around” presentation or more literal “sweep quickly”. Kind of a brownian movement or erratic movement, of the kebari on the water surface with a stiff hackled kebari - creating a wake on the surface. I read of it last summer, but never found a good spot to give it a decent try as I think you need to find something to hide behind.

Anyway, I did not recall seeing, or noticing, the name 走らかし [ hashira kashi ] before reading it in the DT books. But if you do an internet search for テンカラ走らかし釣り[ tenkara hashiraksahi fishing] you will find it mentioned on a few websites.

Most entries I’ve found thus far are similar to the one below, where it states that hashi raksahi was one of many local names, among many other names, for mountain stream kebari fishing before the name Tenkara became widely known and used.


[ "For fishing with kebari fishing, not only the name Tenkara,
Tenggara, tapping, Hashirakashi, kebari fishing,
Etc., there is a long time a unique nickname by the location.l.

… Even if it is named Tenkara, it was once a regional name centered on the Kiso region, and it came to be widely used as it is now, for the last 20 years … ]


Plus continue to learn more about fish behavior. Where they hide out at different times or conditions, what shapes, colors, sizes, of kebari entices them to strike the kebari under the different conditions. After all the best cast and presentation in the world wont catch a fish if they are not where you cast to.

In summary, continue to improve my skills on the hierarchy of priorities of tenkara fishing:
1st learn to cast, 2nd learn to cast precisely to a point, 3d learn to control the splash down of the kebari,
4th learn the best point to cast to, 5th learn the best kebari presentation to make at that point.
Life time goals I think.


They are not native to Idaho, but they are wild. Here’s a thought, come to Idaho and catch some brook trout. Just make sure you eat them! :grin:

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That sounds like a decent plan too!

it’s a very good idea to do

I really just want to up my entire tenkara fishing game. I seem to be pretty isolated in oklahoma, but would love to find another tenkara angler to fish with and to learn with and/or from.

I really want to learn how to catch trout in the deeper slower still water area that are more common on my local tailwaters like the white river in Arkansas.

I also plan on adding as many native salmonids to my life list as possible. For me this means traveling just to find natives. I hope to add brookies from the GSMNP, golden from the Kern river area, and hopefully either Gila and apache from New Mexico and Arizona respectively or cutthroat from Utah.

If I make 2 of those trips and they are successful I will be very happy, but there are chances for all 4. If I make it to Arizona, I also hope to complete their wild trout challenge with tenkara.

If any of you head to eastern oklahoma or western Arkansas, or maybe on my travels to other areas, I would love to meet up on the river, learn from you, and share the experience with a likeminded individual

  1. Starting up and getting the swedish tenkara club running. Spreading tenkara in this country by gathering the people who fish this way and creating a platform for newcomers to turn to. A part of expanding the tenkara community.

  2. Taking significant part in at least one dam removal.

  1. Get better at fly tying;
  2. Get better at using nymphs and other wets;
  3. Find a good creek that others don’t frequent and practice there.

I just want to go fishing. I have not felt well enough to fish much this year and then in September was stopped from driving for health reasons. However I am now raring to go but it is going to be different as I will no longer be driving so will be confined to public transport.

I have changed most of my rods to Shimotsuke Kiyotaki in different lengths. All will fit in my small rucksack so at least 2 will go with me wherever I go. I have discovered a few places that I can get to on public transport where there is some reasonable fishing. So watch this space!



I did not fish as much as i wanted to in 2017.
2018 will be worse…projected to have a full plate.

Time on the water will be my challenge.


Continue developing casting skills and presentation on the water. Spread the word about Tenkara and this website. Be a positive role model for the Tenkara community. Before I retire from teaching on June 15th, I want to encourage as many students as possible to try Tenkara and offer free Tenkara classes and fly tying to interested people in the community. :cat: Many people have been kind and helpful to help me learn Tenkara and now it is time to spread that magic to others.
Happy New Year to all of you.


Worthy goals Mike. :grinning:
Coming into the New Year, and assuming your weather is probably not a lot different from mine, below freezing the past few days and onward for at least another week, if you followed through and ordered a Buffalo Shirt from Jackson-sports, you’ve finally gotten some weather suitable for a good test. Out and about today mine brings a smile of warmth appreciation to my face. :fire:

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I want to say last year we had a discussion like this (maybe on the old tenkara-fisher forum?), and I spoke of wanting to dial in my gear and technique. Well I certainly did that in 2017, and am down to the smallest kit (of rods) I’ve had in a long time.
For 2018 I want to finally catch a wild brown trout, and ideally get an appalachian slam (brook/brown/bow in one day). It took me a while to finally check off the wild brookie, but I now know a place in NC where the access is pretty easy and the fish are eager.

More importantly, I need to do a guided trip this next year, even if it’s only a few hrs on the water. I have a buddy in NC that guides, and mostly tenkara at that, so he’s who I will get with for sure. That will show me, hopefully, what i’ve been doing wrong all this time and up my game.


I did order one and it’s awesome. Thank you for the advice to get one. I highly recommend one to all
the tenkara fishermen, campers, hunters, and hikers. I will order 2 more: 1 for my son and 1 for my son-in-law.