In this first video, the Badger Classic Tenkara Rod gives great service but is over kill for the size of the water being fished and the size of the fish being caught. Take a look and see if you do not agree.
In the second video its all about small stream tenkara fly fishing but the rod being used is not a Tenkara Rod but a Seriyu Rod. Please take a look at this one to get a good idea of the differences between Tenkara and Seriyu rods and their pleasures.
In the third video, we get to see the comparison between a very petite Tenkara Rod and equally small Seriyu rod. While all the fish shown in all the videos are quite small, the enthusiasm those little fish generate is all out of proportion to their small size and the beautiful places they live. Where it says the video is unavailable, please click the underlined statement - Watch this video on YouTube.