When tenkara fishing has been generalized in Japan

Pioneer who fused FF fishing method and tenkara fishing which were not known in Japan

「山峡の釣」1941年7月23日 発刊・・・・・・・鈴木魚心 suzuki-gyosin

“Fishing of the gorge,” July 23, 1941 published

From 櫻井釣具店

Commercially available gyosin- kebari (魚心 毛鉤)

Self-taught was fused the FlyFishing and tenkara Fishing


Gyoshin Susuki and Hiroshi Sakurai are two notable tenkara anglers from a long time ago. My sponsor, Sakura taught me many things when I meet them at the Sakura rod shop. I have sold many tenkara anglers in the USA, their first Japanese made rod.

I am not sure if I have that book, would you be willing to assist me in purchasing it?

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I am also looking for 「山峡の釣」:sweat_smile:

Handwritten illustrations decorate books


I’ve run across all those books several times on different blogs. I think all of them were highlighted on the yoshidakebari blog a few years back.

This book of fishing is the beginning of tenkara history

It has been unearthed and has become the roots of the current tenkara fishing propaganda

On the contrary, I cleared the difference between tenkara fishing and old kebari fishing

This is the question and the problem of the current Japan’s Tenkara business

Why does tenkara business need to make the job fisherman’s kebari fishing the origin of tenkara fishing?

Why disguise the origin of the word tenkara

Why deceive the traditional kebari

Why is not the current japan tenkara fishing is ten colors

It is Japan that needs the word “Enjoy your own tenkara and kebari”

This word has been understood better in this forum

There was no need for talking here
excuse me :zipper_mouth_face:


This is a strong subject but you are a kind person.

I want to think about it for a little while before I enter this conversation about what you bring up.

I like your style Toshiro-san, you are a good guy, I appreciate what you do.

Thank you.


琴線に触れた古書, Old books that touched the heartstrings.

Favorite Fly Book 1941

Maybe off topic a bit, or maybe not, and I think visim is a commercial website, but still a fun web page. テンカラ釣りと伝承毛鉤 Tenkara Fishing Traditonal Kebari


I really wish someone would translate a lot of japanese books in to English.


Me too! The only one I know that is in progress is one of Dr. Ishigaki’s tenkara books, which I believe, TUSA is working on translating.

As you can see there are many others that would be interesting reading. However, there are several other websites with fishing book list of old books.

よしだたかしさん「吉田孝さん」吉田毛鉤会 カテゴリ:本
“Takashi Yoshida” Yoshida fly Association Category: Books
2015May → 2010 Nov.

翠渓会:本, Suikeikai books list



Although it does not appear in the mass communication, there is a detailed website about Japanese kebari fishing circumstances and history



Ayu Kebari

Fishing book
山峡の釣 ゆ ・・・ @dwalker knows


All is the same person


I did not realize the author of those websites is the same person.
I found a sentence about the co-authors of the 「山峡の釣」Mountain Gorge Fishing book.
But I wasn’t sure how to divide the names into separate names. 黒澤榮 鈴木魚心 共著. Or even if they should be. An internet search with the names didn’t find anything I recognized as being related.

I think a lot of information about the history and traditions of mountain stream kebari fishing, that excludes the story of the tenkara professional angler, the `Shoku ryōshi’「職漁師」, will only be found in old books, such as the 「山峡の釣」book. Information that is not yet, and may never be digitized, and that can be found via internet searches. I believe Clifford Stoll is correct when he wrote in his book, Silicon Snake Oil, that a subject has not been sufficiently researched if only online documents have been searched. A lot of information will only be found in books, magazines or journals.

And much of the story was probably never written down at all. Maybe only oral tales of the story existed, now lost.

That being said I have tried all of the below search phrases. Just to see what I might find. Many of the search results are interesting, but not turning up a lot of the story of the transition of kebari fishing traditions and methods from ancient times to modern sport.

日本古来の渓流毛鉤釣り, Ancient Japan’s Mountain Stream Kebari Fishing.
日本古来の渓流毛鉤釣り・伝承, Ancient Japan’s Mountain Stream Kebari Fishing Lore
和風古来の渓流毛鉤釣り・歴史, Ancient Japanese Style Mountain Stream Fishing History
和風古来の毛鉤釣り・歴史, Ancient Japanese Style Kebari Fishing History
和式古来の毛鉤釣り・歴史, Ancient Japanese Style Kebari Fishing History

渓流毛鉤釣り資料館, Mountain stream kebari fishing museum
源流毛鉤釣り資料館, Headwaters kebari fishing museum
源流毛鉤釣り・伝承, Headwaters kebari fishing - lore (or traditions)
日本古来の人気の毛鉤釣り方法, Ancient Japan’s popular kebari fishing methods
日本古来の人気の毛鉤釣り・歴史, Ancient Japan’s popular kebari fishing history
毛鉤釣り古伝, Kebari fishing legends [古伝 will also translate as fables, or ancient history]
古来の毛鉤釣り・経緯, Ancient times kebari fishing circumstances (or situation)
And many other combinations of terms. Just to see what might turn up in the search results.
A lot of my Japanese grammar is no doubt incorrect, but maybe good enough. :roll_eyes:

More Ayu type kebari than keiryu kebari, but these three post are still kind of interesting.
The whole page digital translation into English is pretty screwy, however, it will provide some insight beyond just looking at the pictures.

古式毛バリの話①「菜種鉤」, Old style kebari story (1) rapeseed hook

古式毛針の話②「蜂頭」, Old style kebari story (2) petrified bee ??

古式毛バリの話③「蝶針」, Old style kebari story (3) butterfly needle (hook)

There may be more interesting stuff on this blog. The author wrote in the part 1 link above. “I felt that “Ayuki kebari” is a typical representative fishing culture in Japan.” And, “This material is part of “Hyogo prefecture fishery illustration”, the Dai Nippon Fisheries Association Hyogo Branch edited to exhibit at the 2nd Fisheries Expo held in Wakakoen in Kobe in 1897 (Meiji 30 ) · Materials that were published.”

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釣り糸の話, The story of fishing line. 12 parts, on 3 pages.

page 3, the oldest post:

page 2

page 1

And several other interesting topics, linked to on the right margin of the page:
Gujo Rod
Masaru Gujo
History of Gujo Rodo
Gunagami fish basket
Insect insect (feeding)
Gujo’s tool box (needle box)
Story of fishing line
Story of a fishhook
Indication (landmark)
Gujo Damo
Shade · Straw Hat
Other fishing props
The story of Gujo Hachiman
Fishing four-way storytelling
2016 Fishing diary
2017 Fishing diary

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It is a wonderful exploration and consideration

There is a simplified version of natane-hari(rapeseed hook)・・・ハヤ毛鉤

I think that it has become complicated since then

What is flower like?
Kebari until then like a jun-kebari like a feather’s fiber
It was directly tied to the shaft(There is not it in winding)

Fishing hooks imported from Portugal 27 ㎏ (1636)
Thereafter large quantities will be imported
蠅頭(hae-gasira) are on sale 40 years later
The roots of kebari may be in Portugal?


Thank you very much!
It is similar to the red tag of a fly pattern than I imagined

蛍(hotaru) ・・・firefly

body has three colors (red, black, yellow)
It is like a feather wing streamer
It is similar to the Scottish pattern

古式毛バリの話③「蝶針」, Old style kebari story (3) butterfly needle (hook)

This is the higenaga · pattern we introduced earlier

These were all the same explanations as what has been done in the UK
I have seen what I actually did when I was a child

Long ago, I was cultivating silkworm, producing yarn and exporting it at home

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黒澤榮 釣り・・・Website search name

https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=黒澤榮 釣り&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj4ne3Jg5XZAhWKGpQKHfNoAhwQsAQIJg&biw=1366&bih=700

There was a new discovery
Thank you

A friend bought a fishing rod. Link 渓流竿・清流竿・へら竿・鯉竿 淡水ロッド販売の 竿平【郡上 テンカラ 3.8 渓流竿】 etc.
It is explained as “a basic Tenkara rod that is easy to handle in Gujo style”.
What is Gujo Tone?

I have no idea if this English translation is accurate - what it really means, but this is interesting

but it probably has more to do with the location of “Gujō in west-central Gifu Prefecture in a valley”… “where three major fast-running rivers meet: the Yoshida, the Nagara and the Kodara”.

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Hi Brian, thanks for your reply. I am not interested in the translation of the word Gudze. The description of the rod says about Gudze tone or Gudze style. For which this fishing rod was invented, made.