Wisconsin Tenkara Campout - sort of

For those who are interested we are going to have a camp and fish outing at Esofea County Park in Wisconsin this spring. There won’t be any planned activities, just camping and fishing. I have campsite #16 reserved for 4 nights May 19-22. Due to Covid everyone will be on their own for meals. I’ll be there with my Teardrop and Zoan will be there too.



Looks like fun! It’s such a long drive, is the fishing worth it :wink:

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YES! :stuck_out_tongue:

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David, what’s the nearest major airport?

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Most of the guys fly into Minneapolis, but there is also an airport in Lacrosse.

I do not know where the destination is, how far of a drive from these airports.

I’ve always wanted to come to this event.

I’m working out the logistics to see if it fits into my calendar, buget, etc.

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It’s about 3 ½ hours from MSP and about ¾ hour from LaCrosse airport. I believe that LC lands in MSP first. Another option would be Madison which is about 2 ¼ hours from Esofea County Park.

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