Wisconsin Tenkara Campout

Wisconsin Tenkara Campout
On May 16-21 we will be having a Campout at Esofea Park near Coon Valley, Wisconsin. We have sites 15 and 16 reserved. There is probably room for 20 tents. The Park fee is $15 per night. We will have a campfire every night and a communal meal on Saturday the 18th. There will be plenty of people available to either take you out fishing or point out hot spots if you wish to fish alone. The Campout is replacing the MWTF. I have included links to pictures from last years event and to the Park. Last year we had people from 11 states show up.



This looks really cool. I hope to make this “Camp out” at some time. The map is excellent.
Thank you for reminding us of this tenkara gathering. :wolf:
I’m from the east coast (Virginia) and I do not know a lot about trout fishing in Wisconsin. Is there a lot
of streams with trout? What type of trout do you have in this state? What a great idea to bring people
together to share the outdoors and go trout fishing with a tenkara rod. Awesome!!!

There are an incredible number of public access areas in SW Wisc. Mostly brown trout with a very good chance of brook trout too.

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Also if you are on FB the “Appalachian Anglers” page has a camping get together around October in North Carolina.
And for those who live on the West Coast there is the Tenkara Bugout which is held in Oregon.

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Just a short update on the Campout. We have three on stream presentations lined up.

  1. Rob Worthing will put on a casting clinic
  2. Paul Vertrees will do a presentation on reading the water
  3. Graham Moran will demonstrate Kebari Manipulations
    We are also going to have a gear swap meet and sale