Yeah, it’s crazy time. With government officials grabbing power they don’t legally have. And they’ll hold onto to it, like a dog gnawing on a bone, until they are forced to give it up. Many appear to be making policies that do more harm than help. Georgia is being heavily criticized for relaxing restrictions, yet their covid-19 cases are dropping. And the states criticizing their actions the most appear to be enacting polices that are increasing their numbers of infected.
I was just reading two online stories from Washington state. That stated they are going to require restaurants to keep logs of customers and their contact information for thirty days. And they were also going to require anyone with an infected family member to also quarantine at home.
Bummer about your planned trip to Az. I read a similar story online. About a family that had to cancel a planned annual trip to Maine. Where his wife’s family lives. Because Maine is requiring anyone coming from out of state to quarantine for 14 days. [however, the in-laws could travel from Maine to visit them, but not have to quarantine themselves when they return to Maine]. That is as goofy as people I see out shopping, wearing masks, but with their noses exposed. Plus many of them keep fiddling with the masks, thereby touching their face. Crazy, no common sense time.
I used to work with a guy from Cincinnati that had previously been a professional violin orchestra musician. He left the profession for two main reasons. Saying you had to be very very good to stay in an orchestra, and had to live music 24/7. None of his companion orchestra members ever wanted to talk about anything other than music. Stating as much as he loved music after rehearsing all day he wanted to talk about or do something different. None of them did. Go out to a restaurant after rehearsal, and the only thing they’d want to discuss was music. He got burned out. Adding too that the girls in the orchestra would rather date one of the other girls, and the boys preferred a date him rather than with one of the girls. He decided electronics was the profession to pursue. But also said he still greatly missed playing music at various types of events
My son has been having a health problem for some time. I was not much aware of it as he has lived five hours away, in Ohio, for 4 years. He put off getting it checked into due to poor health insurance. He changed jobs partly to get better coverage. But he had to be employed there 3 months before it fully kicked in. We encouraged him to get it checked out sooner, and we would pay for it if needed. But 20-something year olds, are like 2 year olds. They want to do everything themselves. By the time he had insurance coverage that would pay for the needed test. Routine testing became verboten due to Covid-19 policy. But last I heard his test may be rescheduled soon. 
Anyway, the powers that be are making decisions as if life was without risk before covid-19 came along. It isn’t.
My wife provided a prime example earlier today during her drive home from our vacation house. She hit a deer on I-64. 94 miles from home according to the tow truck driver. She and her Mom are fine. The deer is dead, and possibly her van too. It’s far from being a new van, and the insurance company said it may need to be written off as totaled. If it’s close to being totaled, I hope they do. That may be better than saving a vehicle that barely escaped the junk yard. Sure if she had stayed home she wouldn’t have hit the deer, but every trip risk an auto accident or other risk.
Very inconvenient timing as the plan is to drive to Topsail Beach Friday morning. Where I am hoping the seafood restaurants are open , and not a pain in the neck to get into. My goal at the coast is to eat so much freshly caught seafood I won’t want to eat fish or shrimp for a month or two after coming home. 
Hurry, Olivia ! We are going to miss the hairdresser, and little league coach stonings ! When is too early, er late , to reopen America ?
Thankfully with the right equipment you can always go camping. Cook some food on the fire and not think about the whole mess.