Fuji-san Jun Kebari

Anybody here use the Fuji style jun ( 順 ) kebari much?

I used them a bit and caught fish - but haven’t really explored their use fully yet

I think I’ll try to do that this season

I’ve tried using google translate to translate a paragraph from the book describing them - hoping to get a clue as to intended usage and proper fishing technique but it was a bit confusing to say the least. As far as I could figure there was discussion of immature stream insects rising - and perhaps a discussion of moving faster than the current.

Based on that maybe they are intended as a sort of emerger pattern to be actively fished

Based on appearance I’d say that’s a potential use for sure

Here’s a pic of the flies and a section of the book of anybody wants to try a hand at translation


I’ve never tried them before, but certainly agree they look like emergers.

I wonder if @todoroki34 or @CoffeeKohei would be willing to help translate the page?

Okay I will try it later.

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Translation in my poor English

Jun Kebari
Imitation of the nymph off the bottom and going down the stream or dun going to the surface
Hackle is tied towards the gap of hook. An important essence for controlling the kebari in the water.
The type of kebari sometimes used for jerking faster than the stream and arousing fighting of fish


fuji-sakasa kebari

I also have this book

順毛鉤・・・Jun-kebari (caddis pupa patterns)

Interpretation as FLY

Interpretation as FLY

Interpretation as kebari

Elk Hair Caddis and caddis pupa patterns in Japan


Cool! They look like little bucktail streamers. I’m going to tie up a few and try them this summer. Thanks, Anthony, for bringing them to our attention.

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I’ve tied a couple of them after seeing Fuji-san tie them in a couple of his old VHS videos that I have acquired. But I don’t recall actually fishing with them.

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You know treasure :smiley:

順毛鉤を渓流解禁に向けて用意する, Preparing Jun kebari for lifting of mountain stream ban.


If you want to try translating into English, focus on the text below the photo of the - 順毛鉤-白, white jun kebari. That is where the author describes how he fishes with the jun kebari.

Here is what I made of it:
The author writes that futsū kebari and sakasa kebari are famous.

But he is personally very familiar with jun kebari. From deeply exploring them and they are good.

Because the range of the stream is deep he fishes it upstream sinking the jun kebari into the drop off into a deep pool.

When a fish shows interest at the closest approach he initiates - ”ちょんちょん”と逆引き。Chonchon gyakubiki, [ chonchon is, I think, an onomatopoeia word, a word that imitates a sound, in this case a repeating sound like chuga chuga, iow, chonchon is pulsing the fly. ] and Gyakubiki is reverse pull fishing technique. pulling the fly upstream. [ 上流側へ , Jōryū-gawa e].

When with a bit of luck or skill - the fish that was tracking the fly will - ”パクリ”と反応する釣りです。React with “pakuri”.

As far as I can tell -”パクリ” (pakuri) means, rip-off or steal your fly, that is - swallow it with a wide open mouth.

wikipaedia ぱくり pakuri, translated

By the way, here for some reason, the reaction to white is good.
Therefore a white jun kebari.

Anyway, that as far as I can tell - is the author’s method to fish with the jun kebari.
Though perhaps my translation is wildly incorrect.


【順毛ばり】Jun Kebari …
沈めて使うタイプの毛ばりです。Is a type of kebari used submerged.

テンカラ 『四』 毛ばり
Tenkara “4” kebari

I am not familiar with Chinese Cape, as listed in the title of the next 2 blog post. Maybe you have heard of it. Actually I thought maybe it was just a funky translation. But a quick search with チャイニーズケープとは, What is Chinese Cape? [chainīzukēpu to wa] Found a website showing several examples. So, not a type of cape, but rather the source of the cape.

CANAL社 チャイニーズケープ(ナチュラル), CANAL Co. Ltd. Chinese Cape (natural)

チャイニーズケープで順毛鉤に挑戦することにした, I decided to challenge Jun Kebari in Chinese Cape.

チャイニーズケープで順毛鉤のつづき, Continuation of Jun Kebari in Chinese Cape

His blog name is - happy-man, but I discovered his YT Channel is Nature Tom.
YouTube Channel Nature Tom

It has been several months since I last watched the Fuji Hiromichi videos, but it seemed he tied them using a different method than shown above. I think he tied on the hackle near the hook bend. Then pulled it forward toward the hook eye, where it was secured with thread, then folded back toward the hook bend. But I would have to watch the video again to be certain. But that is a small matter. As long as the end result is the same.

A bit off topic, but have you seen the さかさま毛鉤, Sakasama Kebari, before?
Kind the same, but inverted, and weighted.


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I am amazed at accurate translation

It is perfect for onomatopoeia

Japan is repeated twice onomatopoeic :thinking:

The maximum important aquatic insects in the Japanese fishing

In addition to sinking, it draws the surface of the water
Directing the emergence of aquatic insects

The shape that appeared at the very beginning of kebari

There is FLY in Spain with the same way of thinking

Mosca clásica leonesa

Choosing the shape of hook・・・No weighted

Chinese Cape

I think that you can tell in the photograph is a low price version

Made in China and Indian are in circulation

Interesting, this is type of kebari I’ve only seen in pictures and it’s nice to read some information about it. Thanks!

I have used french nymphing techniques a lot before I found tenkara. And used manipulation a lot, often with flies like “3$ dip”. Not far from the kebari in this thread!

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I agree with @todoroki34 and think it is similar to what is called India cape here in the US (don’t know if it’s the same in the UK or Europe though). Being cheap non-genetic hackle that is imported.

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@dwalker here’s the tying sequence from the book - I left out the first step of tying in the abdomen

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Thanks! That is similar to what I thought

@todoroki34 @CoffeeKohei thanks for your help with Japanese tenkara knowledge

Google Translate is helpful - but it’s not always correct - and is sometimes confusing

So do you think the origin of 順 毛鉤 is to imitate caddis flies?

This is what I thought - but I was not sure

Also - what is a good translation of 順 ?

Google translate says:
Translations of 順
注文, オーダー, 順序, 順, 次, 秩序
ターン, 順番, 順, 出番, 一周, 替わり

This doesn’t seem correct for 順毛鉤

ありがとうございます !

I think I have this video on DVD … I watched it a few years ago but have not recently - I need to go back and watch it again now that I have a few more years under my belt (and an inch or two of muffin top hanging over my belt)

Also - @dwalker thanks for the great research as always … I fumble around with google translate and my basic kana skills and it gets tiring !!! I need to commit to learning Japanese. I have studied on and off for a few years - but I get so far and then give up, then I have to start again at zero…

I had not

Since fishing words are technical terms there is no translation :thinking:

Local fighter or bomber
Various uses are born depending on size
It is also the first kebari pattern