The odd thing about your post is yesterday I also almost made a post here about the Tenkara X rod - after looking at this webpage, 2020年ダイワ渓流竿ラインナップ! [ 2020 Daiwa mountain stream rod line up]
Where everything that is new is marked with a red star is new item [ ★印は2020年新製品 , star mark indicates new item in 2020] , and also almost came here to post about it, after first seeing that they are also not listed at Tenkarabum, but then discovered it had already been mentioned here.
Anyway, the spiraling X tape around the sections of the rod blank is an interesting bit of engineering. Their claim being that the X-tape strengthens the rod sections thereby allowing the rod blank walls to be thinner and lighter; reducing rod weight, and swing weight.
The Japan Fishing Shows (festivals) start this weekend in Yokohoma, and Feb, 8 ~9 in Osaka.
Maybe some new tenkara related items will be introduced during the shows.
横浜 釣りフェスティバル 2020Yokohama
大阪 フィッシングショーOSAKA 2020