Today on the water

Tippet 0.2-0.3 mm, another tenkara.ya I bought the level # 2 (in Japanese size), also used as a tippet.

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Это русское слово плохо переводится на английский. По крайней мере, Google не делает хорошую работу.Перевод часто достаточно приличный, чтобы иметь смысл, но иногда вы получаете странные вещи. Этот интереснее, потому что вы используете свое воображение, вы можете понять, Это слово переводится как слово, которое мы используем в английском языке для описания веревки, которую вы держите, когда вы берете собаку на прогулку.Имеет ли это смысл?

I fished a small stream in the Cascade Mountain Range foothills. It was like the one Sheridan Anderson hotspotted…

I fished it for almost 5 1/2 miles out and back from the car. I got on the water at about 10:15 AM, fishing downstream. Things started out very slow. There was no action, even from dinks in some real fishy water at plunge pools and log jams fishing one of these dry until it became waterlogged, then wet, or sunk in plunge pools for almost two hours.

I was getting downright nervous that there were no dinks rising anywhere, and didn’t even see fry schooled up in the shallow soft water like there are in streams around the lower elevations right now. So I started looking around and “seeing” why I was really there.

I changed to a #14 Pheasant Tail fly like this (with Grizzly dry fly hackle), and finally about ¾ mile from the car a fish took the fly next to a downed tree root ball. Even though I kept a tight line it shook off (doh!). Time: 12:11 PM, air temp 74°, water temp 58°.

About 20 minutes later at 1 mile I got to the logjam at “Squeaky Tree Bend”

and (FINALLY) this guy decided to say howdy.

I went another mile, and still nothing so at 3:00 PM I decided to have lunch here, put on a bead head, and fish my way back upstream to the car.

After more than an hour with nothing coming to the bead head I went back to a Pheasant Tail; a larger #12 this time, and managed to come up with a few more fish, but they were smaller.

I reached Squeaky Tree Bend around 7:00 PM. A very similar fish took my line around a branch. I waded in to grab it and managed to pull it free of the branch and get it in the net where the fly came out on its own.

But now my tippet was a tangled mess, the sun was less than one hand-breadth from the horizon and I still had another mile back to the car with the last ¼ mile being on a faint, little used, overgrown trail through the woods so I packed it in.


23:00 the charm of the Polar day!
Left on the stream to clean up the car.
I have long wanted to check this stream. There is a fish, trout or small trout. All caught let go grow.

The snow has not melted


прекрасный. радость жизни на севере. и думаю, что в ближайшие два месяца снова может пойти снег! :joy::thinking:

Beautiful. The joy of life in the north. And think, it could snow again in two months!

ha ha ha snow can go anytime! But while summer, you need to catch the sun!:joy:

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Maybe I was being hopeful for you, but you are much further north than me. I can possibly see snow in two months, though more likely to be two and a half.

Может быть, я надеялся на тебя, но ты гораздо севернее меня. Я могу увидеть снег через два месяца, хотя, скорее всего, через два с половиной.

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Trying to catch white fish, chub. I am on vacation, the city of Pskov, the Pskov river.


Vladimir, what kind of whitefish was it? The one we call “Síh maréna” in Czech, Coregonus maraena? Or something else?

Ah, chub (squalius cephalus). I catch a lot of those myself, usually on small kebari or soft-hackle flies. When you wrote “for the first time caught whitefish on tenkara” (Jun 30), I thought it must be a different fish.

Ах, голавль (squalius Cephalus). Я ловлю многих из них сам, обычно на маленьких кебари или мягких мухах. Когда вы написали «впервые поймал сига на тенкаре» (30 июня), я подумал, что это должна быть другая рыба.

Hi Evan, June 30th, I caught a whitefish.

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The weather must feel almost tropical there compared to your home in Murmansk!

Погода там должна быть почти тропической по сравнению с вашим домом в Мурманске!

:joy::joy::joy:Hi Peder, the weather is much better here. + 20-23’C, and at home +8. Until August 20, I will bask in the sun, and then home, closer to Santa Claus.:joy::joy:


Yesterday I caught a rainbow trout on a pond, a paid reservoir. Caught and let go.!


It was very hot and humid today and the water temperature was getting to the upper limits for catching trout. Air temperature was 86F (30C) and humidity was about 80%; water temperature was about 62F (17C).

I was surprised to see that they are already starting to get their spawning colors.


I hiked up to and camped at a lake in central Idaho this past week and caught a bunch of golden trout beauties. It’s hard to tell in the photos, but that first one is 16–17 inches long.


very nice looking fish!


What a fantastic fish!